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Banned for failing to notice that Gordon Ramsay's face looks like an abandoned apricot.
Banned because that is one of the kitchen nightmares.
Banned for sleeping in your kitchen.
Banned for sleeping with your kitchen.
Banned for having a chicken in kitchen
Post edited July 29, 2024 by eddiemaniaco
Banned for being a maniaco, maniaco on the floor.
Banned because I want the successor to the James Webb Space Telescope to be able to see past the observable horizon.
Banned for using a Jack Webb telescope to find perps.
Banned for ignoring J Lo's want for the impossible.
Banned for watching Kim Possible.
Banned for writing slash fiction between the mad scientist and Ron's naked mole-rat.
Banned because not too long ago I wouldn't have been able to write that. Thankfully, I got learned how at the Derek Zoolander Center for Kids who Can't Read Good and Who Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too.
Banned for denying ants their much deserved school.
Banned for giving the school to termites, which destroyed it.
Banned for spoiling the big twist of Zoolander 3.