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Banned for provoking the ire of a dire squire.
^ banned for not sharing HeresMyAccount's liver with your pet dire wolf and for nearly exposing the secret that his species did not pass from existence during the Early Holocene epoch
Banned for slaughtering innocent wolves on the steps of Notre Dame.
Banned for talking to gargoyles.
Banned because Quasimoto should be deaf after ringing those bells all his life.
Banned for questioning the miracle of perfect hearing.

The fact that he would have preferred the miracle of a cured back is beside the point and would have ruined the story. "The deaf of Notre Dame" doesn't have the same ring to it.
Post edited July 14, 2024 by Mortius1
Mortius1: Banned for questioning the miracle of perfect hearing.

The fact that he would have preferred the miracle of a cured back is beside the point and would have ruined the story. "The deaf of Notre Dame" doesn't have the same ring to it.
^ banned for using a "ring" pun... there was no reference to whether or "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" wore a ring...

Yet, somehow that reference "resonates" and indeed does "ring a bell."
Banned for overly verbose banning.
Band for short...
Banned for being short of breath, stature, patience, funds, and whatever other resource you can be "short" on, all at once.
Banned because I'm curious to know how you got to know me so well.
Banned because a magician never reveals his secrets.
^ Banned for revealing your buttocks by mooning everyone.
^ banned for being the only one who noticed
Banned for not noticing that Richard Simmons passed away.


1948 - 2024