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^ banned Jack Keane off your collection
Banned for Tuxedo Sam.
^ banned for Tennessee Tuxedo
Banned for Alabama Ascot.
^ banned because you don't know how to Scooby Doo it (correctly)
Post edited June 20, 2024 by Hooyaah
Banned because the answer is obvious: race-swap everyone except Fred and tweak him to be a retarded nancy-boy. Velma "investigates" every clue by having it spelled out to her at every opportunity and every single sentence uttered by every character without exception is a hackneyed meta-commentary on pop-culture from an alternate timeline.
And yet another forum game. Well they are a nice diversion while seeing what games this site offers.
I hand the user above me a ban for not liking my velma and daphne fan art
Post edited June 21, 2024 by JacobSlatter
Banned for making them both Asian when they should obviously be black, you racist.
I hand the user above me another ban for not seeing that they're both blazian
Banned because James Gunn did Evil Scrappy better.
Usually when I ban someone they stay banned.
You are one tough customer.
Banned again so it will hopefully stick this time.
Post edited June 21, 2024 by JacobSlatter
^ Banned because you're using a staple gun to fix your bans.
^ banned because you are using duct tape to help make your bans stick when a banned aid would work better
^banned because you're using banana peel as bandage for your bondage slave.
Banned for attempting to turn me into an erector set