Banned because zombies are rarely done well, too much bad camerawork and too many plot-contrivance kills where a zombie progresses from never shown to suddenly chowing down on whoever has exhausted their use. Usually after pretentious dialogue about only the strong surviving no less, because we're not allowed to think on our own terms. Best zombie is
Duane from Unsounded, fallowed by everything in Return of the Living Dead.
Werewolves are primal and vicious, but rarely even done at all compared to zombies. The one where they lure the villainess out with an insult so the cops can shoot her was kind of cool.
Best werewolf, despite his habits and attitude. What goblin movies even are there? I swear if we're supposed to count Troll 2, I'll turn my foot into cabbage goop and eat it; that movie pisses on decent filmmaking and I won't allow it! Too many to chose, best goblin is somewhere in
this comic. Vampires actually have the most potential as they're both apex predators and pretentious snobs. Nothing beats The Masquerade: Bloodlines.