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banned for a planned ban and we don't stand for premeditated banning man
Banned! What Have You Done to Solange?
Banned For Capitalizing The First Letter Of Almost Every word.

Hooyaah: ^ banned for editing your post so that we wouldn't know what you were actually going to say (the unfiltered version)
I was originally going to say, "Banned for playing Defender using the wrong controller," but then I thought the other response was slightly more clever.
Banned for not starting your sentence with "Banned".
Banned for ending your sentence with "Banned".
^ banned for ending a phrase with a period
banned for bringing an end to periodic phrasing
banned for inferior phraseology
Banned for phrasing a sentence about a period of clauses!
Banned. for. inadequate. use. of. punctuation.
Banned for setting me up for an obvious reference and expecting me to fall for it.
low rated
^ banned all above for stupidity because they use gog.

Real truth:

gog - fucking liars, thieves, programmers with bad hands;
Eurore and Japan - fucking bedding of USA (or USA marines);
Z and V - for Russia, for Donbass, for Lugansk, for truth and justice!!!
Banned for being a bugged bot.
Banned for being a functioning bot.
Banned for being an up-to-date bot.