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Banned for thinking that a few random letters constitute a word.
Banned for not knowing who Yuki Ishikawa is.
Banned for being the bastard who set up Rikidōzan.
Banned because i'm shocked someone actually understood a pro wrestling reference.
^ banned for banning him instead of bestowing the acclaim he deserves
Both previous posters banned for assuming my interest primarily were based in pro wrestling and not the history of the Yakuza.
Banned for being obsessed with flames.
^ banned for not also rolling over him with your tank
Banned because the order to eliminate him came too late in the comm. I'm too lazy to turn my tank around just for a single guy.
^ banned, and promoted to captain for making a sound command decision... fuel is ta crucial resource in battle and not wasting it was wise, indeed
^ Banned for bringing too much fuel and not enough ammunition.
Banned for bringing plenty of ammunition but its all Minié balls and .56-56 Spencer.
Banned for using terminology i don't understand.
^ banned for not being fluent in ordnance
Banned because I'm fluent in Jawaese, Fremen Arabic, Krogan, Sangheili, and a few other alien languages.