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^ Banned for shameless advertising of your lantern!
low rated
^ Banned for being against lanterns......possibly because you might be a grue. o.0
Post edited July 18, 2021 by GamezRanker
^Banned for not realizing the harm lanterns do to bugs, they become confused and believe the lantern is the sun.
^ Banned because humans are also attracted to shiny things, which is the core concept of most collectathons.
banned for hm uh ah its sunday.. so ban
^ banned for placing us all yet one more post closer to Monday
Banned for daring to say its name!
banned, because it will surely be Friday before we know it
Banned because I'll know it when it happens, because I'll notice the interval of four days in between.
^ banned, because you don't realize that you already missed the last one by two days
Banned because my fresh Carolina Reapers finally shipped 15 days after I ordered them. You undoubtedly cast a spell on them to make them ripen slower than was expected.
banned because the only on who can something like that id J Lo... I asked him to send some snow to Texas this past January and look what happened to Texas last February!
Banned because the snow would melt before it even got there.

finkleroy: Banned because my fresh Carolina Reapers finally shipped 15 days after I ordered them. You undoubtedly cast a spell on them to make them ripen slower than was expected.
Banned because eating those is fatal!
^ banned because you need some education regarding Winter Storm Uri
banned cause you're watching way too much nintendo 69