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Banned because I was on my way home from work, and my eyes caught this mural; which made me very comfortable.
Banned for inscribing - Beware the evil eye - in a toilet stall where you took a duke and didn't flush.
^ banned for not having banned J Lo for being the racoon who tagged the van
Banned because if we shine the brightest then wouldn't it illuminate the times? So then how would they be dark?
banned for not understanding that stars in the heavens appear brighter in the night sky, yet they do not have a significant effect, as does a full moon, on the ambient lighting of the nighttime environment
Banned for having a decent understanding of light balancing and appreciation for moonlit nights.
banned for not telling me about lights...
Banned for being in the dark.
banned for not spreading sufficient light to all who are in need of enlightenment
Banned for waiting for the others to enlighten people.
banned for turning out the lights
Banned for needing a nightlight.
Banned for being the lumens police.
Banned for policing who can be police!
banned for provoking police