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Banned because 1 person already correctly guessed my avatar.
low rated
Banned for not treating us to some delicious exotic ices from the store. ;)
(the above ban is made in honor of the great King named Bradley)


LegoDnD: I walked for several miles to my dad's work so that when he got off, we could go to Mom's house and I could trim all the low-hanging branches off the trees in her backyard while he grocery-shopped nearby.
That was nice of you :)

LegoDnD: I'm now very sunburned, my calves ache, and the giant blister on my left foot...
You should use a sun hat and/or sun screen next time...and better foot wear(if you can get any or have any).

LegoDnD: I have no regrets and will return to bring all those branches to the curb this weekend so that Mom's neighbor/old friend will feed them to his wood-chipper.
No, I have No Regret...I played it awhile back. ;D
Post edited July 09, 2021 by GamezRanker
Banned because I regret not banning more often.
banned for regretting
Banned for having a bantastic day.
banned for the playful banning banter
Banned for dodging my FF12=Star Wars challenge when you could so easily describe Fran as "if Chewbacca was the Playboy logo come to life".
Banned because I can't even wrap my head around that imagery!
Banned for wrapping his hands around LegoDnD's neck.
HeresMyAccount: Banned because I can't even wrap my head around that imagery!
Banned for not imagining a sexy bunny-woman clad in lingerie and palling around with a suave scoundrel.
Banned for furophilia and banning the wrong person.
Banned because every person deserves a good ban.
Post edited July 09, 2021 by MightyFloTheKing
I concur with your preceding statement, therefore you are banned!
I ban the preceding statement, therefor you are conquered!
I ban you because you are not Alexander and you are not so great.