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low rated
^ Banned for posting those in the incorrect order(from the song they're taken from)
Banned because I fell for a Trapp.
Post edited July 04, 2021 by J Lo
Banned for getting your leg caught in a bear trap. You're a raccoon; you should know better!
Banned for being a paper tiger.
HeresMyAccount: Banned for getting your leg caught in a bear trap. You're a raccoon; you should know better!
Banned because a gorilla has also learned to disarm poacher's traps, it's beautiful.
^ banned for mistaking a Sasquatch for a gorilla
Banned for mistaking a wookie for a Sasquatch.
^ banned for giving a cookie to a wookie... now he'll probably want some milk
Banned because I gave all my cookies and milk to Santa.
banned because Christmas is rapidly approaching and you'd best stock up soon, or Santa could, potentially, be disappointed
low rated
^ Banned for missing a grand opportunity for a pun by not calling him Ban-ta
Banned because Banta is already reserved for banned Fanta.
low rated
^ Banned for daring to suggest any Fanta should or would be banned.
banned for killing frederick north
Banned for idolizing Kanye West.