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Banned for referencing (or not) a topical event (how would I know what actually happened this week?).
Banned for being uninformed about current news (and thereby being susceptible to lies about what borisburke did in Inner Mongolia...he did nothing wrong!).
Banned for nit informing Elefuntitus about the news
Banned for being complicit in the Inner Mongolia incident by refusing to help. Remember: There are no innocent bystanders. What were they doing there in the first place?
Banned for talking about boring things.
Post edited June 26, 2021 by HeresMyAccount
Banned for being complicit in the cover-up of the Inner Mongolia incident.
Banned for discovering my secrets.
Banned for secreting your discoveries... "That should be in a museum!"
finkleroy: Kudos for surviving the forum for longer than your nemesis, who was always upset about people not treating him to their local delicacies and whining about his "star-chan" wanting nothing to do with him. But you're also banned for dropping n-bombs. Seriously, dude, that's not cool.
What, that crazy guy got banned for real? wahahahahahaha. For me this was not a struggle to survive on this forum, i just come here to buy games especially when there are sales (and giveaways :D ). Also visiting old pals while i am here :D. Glad to see that everybody is all right.

Hooyaah: Banned for secreting your discoveries... "That should be in a museum!"
Banned for owning a museum full of useless stuff.
^ banned for stuffing your useless stuff in my museum
Banned because you turned me into newt (...i got better).
banned for not being patient enough to wait for the full effect of a spell
Banned for playing the long game.
Banned for preferring the "short game", that is playing bowling with midgets as pins.
banned for inventing "elf bowling"