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Banned, because the word gray may also be spelled grey
Banned for not watching D.Grayman and for not healing the mangaka, who died; before the series could be completed!
Banned for not preventing Lady Jane Grey getting executed.
Banned, because your Monday is almost over while mine has just begun
le_chevalier: Banned for not preventing Lady Jane Grey getting executed.
Banned for covertly advertising for the Rolling Stones.

Hooyaah: Banned, because your Monday is almost over while mine has just begun
Banned because your post didn't show on the page before I send mine.
Post edited March 01, 2021 by ladyonthemoon
Banned, because you've just got ninja'd. Be cautious, ninjas are faster than a rolling stone.
Banned for rolling a ninja up a hill and allowing him to roll down again.
Banned for being Sisyphus.
Banned for throwing a hissy fit...
Trooper1270: Banned for throwing a hissy fit...
Banned for writing "Banned for throwing a hissy fit..."
Banned for thinking I wrote it, when I actually typed it...
Banned for typing with a pencil and writing with a keyboard, and also doing caligraphy using a printing press.
^ Banned, because anyone with that sort of skill set deserves a medal

le_chevalier: Banned, because you've just got ninja'd. Be cautious, ninjas are faster than a rolling stone.
^ Banned, because The Rolling Stones are made of rock
Banned because Rolling Rock is made of stones.
Banned for rolling the stoned The Rock.