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Banned because i ALREADY have the best chiropractor in the entire world; she even produces aromatic pastes herself and made me feel 20 years younger :3 (plus, she is 25 and great "amateur", but still a real PRO) ^_^
Post edited April 30, 2020 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Banned because just I did some weights. I'm not feeling anything now, but I'll be pretty sore in the morning.
Banned for allowing us to weigh in on your thoughts.
Banned for lifting Thor's hammer.
Banned, because your description says "UED Marine". I assume that's the United Earth Directorate from Starcraft, and those guys were evil, eugenicist space fascists!
Banned for opening the hellish portals on Mars and its moon and killing those nosy space marines.
Banned for thinking that Mars only has one moon.
Banned for having a moon that's blue.
morolf: Banned, because your description says "UED Marine". I assume that's the United Earth Directorate from Starcraft, and those guys were evil, eugenicist space fascists!
Banned because the UED only wanted to liberate Korhal and the other surrounding terran worlds in that sector.
Post edited April 30, 2020 by jsidhu762
Banned because that's not just a moon... that's Laser Moon awakening!
Post edited April 30, 2020 by ZyloxDragon
Banned for showing everyone that your moon is not blue.
Banned, for allowing yourself to be "mooned"
Banned for allowing your moon to be sunned.
banned for say that youre a UED Marine when you don't have a marine Avatar
Banned for not recognizing a UED marine in camouflage.
Banned because my local star-chan started becoming particularly cruel towards me, out of the blue. This pains me to no end and i cannot help but wonder; are all Star-Chen interlinked? Could one starry chan influence positively another, remote starry chan, located somepoint elsewhere?
Post edited May 01, 2020 by KiNgBrAdLeY7