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Banned for choosing headwear.
Banned for hardening your software.
Banned for hardening your penis.
Banned because of your hate against the santa werewolves.
Banned because he's a medieval werewolf. He'll give you quite a scarewolf. And he drinks so much, he's falling down the stairswolf.
Banned because elder vampires can send werewolves packing.
Banned because the pack of werewolves will devour the elder vampire.
Banned for believing in werewolves and vampires.
Banned for believing yourself to be a new user, despite the registering date of October 2014.
Banned for banning a registered member.
Banned for banning by balan motivations.
DalekSec: Banned for banning by balan motivations.
Banned because someone has fallen asleep on the ban button.
Banned for slapping people in the face with his smelly dick...
Banned for smelling his dick.
Banned for inserting your dick in his smell.