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Wow, just like that other backlog thread (not going to look for it, since the subject doesn't interest me), except with a pure clickbait/useless subject line. I wish moderators could/would moderate subject lines as well.
paladin181: My dumb ass keeps buying games when there are tons I have that I haven't even tried yet.
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paladin181: My dumb ass keeps buying games when there are tons I have that I haven't even tried yet.
I thought we all do this?
darktjm: Wow, just like that other backlog thread (not going to look for it, since the subject doesn't interest me), except with a pure clickbait/useless subject line. I wish moderators could/would moderate subject lines as well.
So why comment and give it a bump? If it bothers you then how about just not replying and simply go on about your day? Seems rather reasonable for an unreasonable individual such as yourself.
TheCleaner517: So why comment and give it a bump?
Because other people don't ignore it, so it gets bumped to the top all the time, anyway. And because it needed to be said, not that people like you care about it anyway, or you wouldn't do it in the first place.
Post edited September 01, 2022 by darktjm
My backlog is so big that I'm 99% sure I'll be dead and gone before I get to finish it
Edit: Now that I've opened my list with games I need to play I can safely scrap that 99%. I'm 100% sure I won't finish it this lifetime.
Post edited September 01, 2022 by Naathir