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low rated
scientiae: 1. As for multiplexing thought into layers of text, think of the (cognitive) bandwidth issues: I have to transcribe thoughts into a little overton window, on a gaming website, without popping the 10k character boundary. It's not easy!

2. Margaritas ante porcos (or, as my dear old Dad would say, "Strawberries fed to pigs") .

Notice the sour tone of tragic satire?

So, would you like me to write your opinion for you, so you can post it?

Shall I wear your watch so I can tell you the time? :P
Fairfox: can i download all of teh internets with my internet? ;)
scientiae: Where would you put it all? :O
1. Simply do as you told me to do....cut back on the repeating and overly long explanations and additional dialog where you can. ;)

2. The bits I cut(while informative and thought provoking) illustrate my point very clearly, I think. You could have(but do not need to) answered with a short yes or no, or similarly succinct replies....yet you chose the longwinded and complex.

And while I enjoy such with you and others, I also like short and simple back and forth as well(especially when tired or short on time) from time to time.

It's like how some here think I am using the board as my personal soapbox/etc(and to a point they might be right) post complex replies to even the simplest of posts, when sometimes a short and simple answer would suffice. As I said: Sometimes short and simple works best.

3. Fairfox would put it all on the secret AI google is building to catalog and dominate us all, obviously.

The picture I added to this should also express my beliefs a bit better(I thank you for making me, in a way, to look such quotes up).
Post edited August 17, 2019 by GameRager
Mine is terrible . 1000 Mbit/s
GameRager: Simply do as you told me to do....cut back on the repeating and overly long explanations and additional dialog where you can. ;)
I also like short and simple back and forth as well(especially when tired or short on time) from time to time.
[…] you post complex replies to even the simplest of posts, when sometimes a short and simple answer would suffice. As I said: Sometimes short and simple works best. […]
Did you just tu quoque me? :D

For my disclaimer, please read my terms & conditions, as previously stated, in the 67th reply to my OP:
scientiae: * It may not be obvious but I have two distinct modes of (written) communication. The first is ex tempore; this mode may or may not include mnemetic constructs from the alternate, deliberate and very considered process which often (if I get it aright) may have many levels of meaning.
You are correct. What you fail to understand is that my thought process is inverted from what I perceive to be the "normal". What I mean is, after years of training, I zero in on arcane specificity FIRST, and then have to work (hard!) to rephrase this inductively (i.e., general terms from the particular focus).

So, while I endeavour to accommodate as many as possible in my communications, it is always a trade-off between available effort and time available, with the relevance as a cofactor. (Videlict: Who cares if I am unclear about something nobody cares about.) There are countless threads I have drafts prepared for that I have not posted.

What you have criticized hereabove was all I had time to do (before cleaning the house, shopping for dinner, making dinner for tomorrow and now I'm off to make dinner for tonight).

But I do enjoy it when you make me think, so please keep it up.
Knowledge for its own sake was meaningless, its mere accumulation a waste of time. Knowledge must lead to understanding.
GameRager: Moses Finley.
Yeah, I would counter that with the concrete empiric results of Dr Terrence Deacon, as explained in The Symbolic species. Basically he notes that human cognition is built on the accumulation of data, which our amazing symbolic brains create heuristics which produces epiphenomenal intelligence. We can't know what the meaning is until it manifests after collecting the facts.

So, while I respect the utilitarian thrust of Mr Finley, I would counsel you to keep-on keeping on; keep reading and accumulating, because it's only afterwards that one will make the knowledge intelligible.

Was that brief enough? :P
Wireless internet, about 25ish Mb/s. Capped unfortunately at 70Gb, but that's ok since I don't stream anything.
Right now is my 2gb a month cellphone connection. I was supposed to have a no limits 35mb/sec on thursday, but they decided to change the day without informing me and now have to wait until wednesday. Yay for a week (almost) offline... x_x I hate providers.
low rated
scientiae: Did you just tu quoque me? :D


You are correct. What you fail to understand is that my thought process is inverted from what I perceive to be the "normal". What I mean is, after years of training, I zero in on arcane specificity FIRST, and then have to work (hard!) to rephrase this inductively (i.e., general terms from the particular focus).

So, while I endeavour to accommodate as many as possible in my communications, it is always a trade-off between available effort and time available, with the relevance as a cofactor. (Videlict: Who cares if I am unclear about something nobody cares about.) There are countless threads I have drafts prepared for that I have not posted.

What you have criticized hereabove was all I had time to do (before cleaning the house, shopping for dinner, making dinner for tomorrow and now I'm off to make dinner for tonight).

But I do enjoy it when you make me think, so please keep it up.


Yeah, I would counter that with the concrete empiric results of Dr Terrence Deacon, as explained in The Symbolic species. Basically he notes that human cognition is built on the accumulation of data, which our amazing symbolic brains create heuristics which produces epiphenomenal intelligence. We can't know what the meaning is until it manifests after collecting the facts.

So, while I respect the utilitarian thrust of Mr Finley, I would counsel you to keep-on keeping on; keep reading and accumulating, because it's only afterwards that one will make the knowledge intelligible.

Was that brief enough? :P
1. I guess I did.

2. So struggle to post in "simple english", so to speak....and have to work to make it as understandable as possible? How is that even possible? o.0

Well I guess it could be ingrained into your very consciousness/mentality to do so......but even still, such things can(even if hard to do so)usually be broken or reworked over time. Mind over matter, etc.

3. Still, collecting knowledge just to collect it and not use it(or use it much/constructively) seems a waste to me.....I mean it's not like we're all going to need ALL that knowledge(most likely) in life....well unless one goes on a game show or starts teaching perhaps, that is.

And yes, it was a bit more succinct this time....although I also like your longwinded talks as well sometimes. ;)
scientiae: (For a while there it looked like we might have two nibbles instead of an eight-bit byte. That would have been much better.)
Keep up with the correct modern nomenclature here, please :P

Seriously, no-one uses "nibble" anymore, not since >128-512 MB were the norm at least. Last time I saw that was in an old book about Computer/Information Science dated just north of 2000, and only used surrounding programming lingo.

PS: You did help, absolutely, I just thought I could help further cutting that mathematical piece into a less messy piece. ;)
Post edited August 18, 2019 by sanscript
I guess my internet is just about to get an upgrade from 10 Mbit/s to 400 Mbit/s... :)

A guy from the telecom company that provides our apartment house the basic cable modem connection (included in the housing costs) and I also have a couple of mobile phone connections from them, just called me. I was at first lukewarm to his suggestions, but when he mentioned I could get a 400 Mbit/s connection for 19.90€/month... I thought why the heck not.

It was also positive that apparently I can decide myself whether I use the modem in NAT or bridged mode, depending whether I prefer direct connection to internets with public IP addresses, or having umpteen devices connected with NAT and the extra protection from NAT.

I am excited, can't wait. The new modem should arrive in one week.
My internet just got an upgrade (see the attached pic).

Nice... except... what the heck?!? My ping time is now 1 ms worse? Inexcusable!!!

Also, I guess they are throttling the upload speed so that people who are going to keep servers etc. would buy pricier corporate internet connections from them, but I guess I can manage with that. At least it is considerably better (too) than before.
upgrade.jpg (50 Kb)
Post edited August 30, 2019 by timppu
timppu: My internet just got an upgrade (see the attached pic).

Nice... except... what the heck?!? My ping time is now 1 ms worse? Inexcusable!!!

Also, I guess they are throttling the upload speed so that people who are going to keep servers etc. would buy pricier corporate internet connections from them, but I guess I can manage with that. At least it is considerably better (too) than before.

I still find it sad to see most companies still limit upload speeds to much compared to DL speeds, though. :\
Shitty, for the most part, also because of a pretty archaic router I'm still using after all these years...

I'm waiting for some extra payments the next month to finally get a new VDSL2 router and ask my provider for a proper fiber connection offer (FTTC only, unfortunately)...
GameRager: Nice.
Then again, I get that max speed only when a PC is connected with an eth cable to the router, which is located in the living room (because that is where the TV connector is where the router gets it juice).

The PC which I use the most is normally located in one of the bedrooms on the other side of the apartment... and also it seems its wifi adapter can't handle the higher 80MHz frequency which is needed for faster wireless connections, it can handle only the slower 20MHz (and 40MHz?) frequencies.

So yeah, in that bedroom I get "only" like 35 Mbps over wireless on that laptop, for now. It just feels I am now paying for something I don't normally fully use, but then I guess I could start using my laptop(s) more in the living room (there is a computer desk there too hidden inside a cupboard).

I guess I need that high (400Mbps) speed only when I'm downloading my GOG game installers (with gogrepo) or some big Steam games, so in those cases I probably need to move the gaming laptop to living room and connect to the router with a cable. Or, see if there are options for (external) wifi adapters which can handle 80MHz frequency, like connected to a USB3.0 port.

I still need to also check if my new-ish work laptop wifi can handle 80MHz, and what kind of speeds I can get with that.

GameRager: I still find it sad to see most companies still limit upload speeds to much compared to DL speeds, though. :\
I presume it is so that people who are going to keep servers and shit would buy some higher-priced corporate level internet connections. In a way it makes sense, such people/companies need mostly the upload speed, much less fast download speed. So the exact opposite of normal (home) users.

Anyway, 25Mbps upload speed is still nice for me, it is over 10 times faster than what I had before. Not a deal breaker or anything.
Post edited August 31, 2019 by timppu
timppu: The PC which I use the most is normally located in one of the bedrooms on the other side of the apartment... and also it seems its wifi adapter can't handle the higher 80MHz frequency which is needed for faster wireless connections, it can handle only the slower 20MHz (and 40MHz?) frequencies.

Or, see if there are options for (external) wifi adapters which can handle 80MHz frequency, like connected to a USB3.0 port.


I presume it is so that people who are going to keep servers and shit would buy some higher-priced corporate level internet connections. In a way it makes sense, such people/companies need mostly the upload speed, much less fast download speed. So the exact opposite of normal (home) users.

Anyway, 25Mbps upload speed is still nice for me, it is over 10 times faster than what I had before. Not a deal breaker or anything.
1st bit- Yeah I get the same on my one can use the slower connection my internet offers but not the faster one(likely due to router or the laptop itself).

2nd bit- But what is "normal"? Some users might code or do development work out fo the home and imo better UL speed for them and others should be a normal thing....maybe not the same as DL speed but a better ratio compared to DL speed.

BTW yer lucky: I get much less UL speed and I pay about the same(maybe a bit less).
Post edited August 31, 2019 by GameRager
GameRager: 1st bit- Yeah I get the same on my one can use the slower connection my internet offers but not the faster one(likely due to router or the laptop itself).
My newer work laptop seems to handle the 5G speeds just fine, so with it I get about 390Mbps wirelessly in that same bedroom where the older laptop gets about 35-42 Mbps.

That is certainly good news, so now I know I should be able to achieve the top speed without having to be connected with an eth cable to the router. I guess I just need to buy a suitable USB wifi adapter for my older laptop, they don't seem to cost that much.

I just tried e.g. downloading and installing Dark Souls from Steam to my newer laptop. I am not quite used to several gigabytes of data coming tp the PC in a couple of minutes. :) I'm yet to test how fast I can download my GOG games, this evening I'l check it with gogrepo...
Post edited August 31, 2019 by timppu
I have the NBN connection, maximum of 5.9-6MB per second
Post edited September 02, 2019 by Crosmando