It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

blotunga: Same here because I don't want fiber in the house :D
timppu: Damn, those are good prices for such speeds! I'd have to pay several dozen € per month for the same.

I think I'll move to Other, sounds like a great place to live in.
Sure, it's a great place. As long as you don't care about corruption and don't need healthcare. Almost like the US but cheaper to live in :)
150 Mbps / 10 Mbps, no caps for 23 dollars/month. Can upgrade to 500 Mbps / 30 Mbps, no caps for 40.35 dollars/month, but I don't really need that.
Post edited August 09, 2019 by Ankroth
Cable | unlimited | 100/100 Mbps - 300 RUB (~$4.65) for 30 days (pure robbery)
Post edited August 09, 2019 by Cadaver747
300/20 (Mbps) for ~ $24 a month. No monthly cap.

Could upgrade to 500 but the price goes up noticeably and I feel like 300 is the optimal price/performance ratio.
Post edited August 09, 2019 by idbeholdME
My Internet service is supposed to be 12Mbps, but it's never that fast and it fails all the time.

Now this will give you an idea of what's like living under hiperinflation. Last year, though fees went up each month in local currency, I paid about $1 US dollar a month all year long, at black market exchange rate; keep in mind Venezuelan minimum wage is somewhere under $4 a month! On April it went up from $1 to $10, which kinda messed up my finances, on May I paid $15, on June, July and August I paid about $32 (each month it increased in local currency but has remained more or less stable converted to US dollars).

On local currency I started paying (a couple of years ago) 200 BsF, this month I paid 26,000,000,000 BsF (or the new denomination, which removed 5 zeros: 260,000 BsS)
16Mb ADSL.

I don't stream or need the instant gratification of fast downloads.

I'm very boring. A boring connection suits me.
20 Mbps no caps.
Post edited August 09, 2019 by arsalan12
PainOfSalvation: … In Spain … fiber 600/600 [Mbps].
How much does that cost?

WinterSnowfall: 1Gb/s FTH link (in marketing terms), for about €8, with no caps on traffic. The actual speeds I usually get are around 400Mb/s (50MB/s). …

gmx: 500 Mbit down / 50Mbit up, fiber, no data caps, 20 euro …
Nice. I think Eastern Europe wins the internets. :)

Ankroth: 150 Mbps / 10 Mbps, no caps for 23 dollars/month. Can upgrade to 500 Mbps / 30 Mbps, no caps for 40.35 dollars/month, but I don’t really need that.

ariaspi: 100 Mbps, unlimited for around $8 a month. …
First runner-up.

timppu: 10 Mbit/s cable modem
- Cost is included in the housing costs, so all apartments have this basic “broadband”; no extra fee.
- No data caps. … There is an option to bump this 100 or 200 Mbps, I don’t recall the exact prices but probably something like 10€/month and 20€/month for those speeds. …
And second runner-up.
rtcvb32: My internet is between 800 Baud a second, and 1 Terra-byte a second.
Is that under your control, or are you at the mercy of the local weather? Or sunspots? :o

scientiae: A friend of mine has had a cable modem forever, but had to switch to the NBN, recently, and has consequently had to wear a baud penalty. …
CMOT70: Possibly the network your friend was on simply got bought and absorbed into the NBN infrastructure. …
Nah, reluctant migrant evicted from the previous (Foxtel?) service.

Themken: 1.4MB = 11.2Mb, so unless you made a typo, you are getting what you pay for.
Ha, good pick-up! (I realized that shortly after hitting the reply button … but I hate editing my posts. :)

Themken: For ten years there have been no landline available where I live.

Cable 100Mb/s down 10Mb/s up, 10ms ping to several fast servers within 100km. Speeds may be cut down by up to 30% at busy hours. Charged €20 a month. … I think they are losing private customers to mobile internet at a rapid pace. Mobile 5G is ridiculously fast but the low response time and stability of cable is nice too.
That's forward planning! Twenty years ago one couldn’t get a bank loan without a land line. Now there is only 1 person with a landline for every 2 people without one.

There is an ongoing debate here about how 5G will obsolete the NBN. I doubt it, since the high-frequency fifth generation transmission protocol has two flaws: it won’t go through walls, and it still needs a broadband network, otherwise it’s like an order of magnitude increase in traffic on a given road (but at least collisions are less messy).

eiii: It’s funny that companies sell their connections with assymetric speed even on fiber, when there’s absolutely no technical reason for it.
Well, the cable may not differentiate, but a router has to multiplex the signal when it gets upstream, so that is a consideration.

fr33kSh0w2012: When downloading other websites don’t load AT ALL.
Yeah, my ISP throttles the baud to suit the plan; higher speed is available if I paid more, and when I bust the cap they reduce my baud to 32kbps (but no extra cost). That is barely enough to load a webmail inbox (usually have to reload it a couple of times).

krugos2: My Internet service is supposed to be 12Mbps, but it’s never that fast and it fails all the time.

Now this will give you an idea of what’s like living under hyperinflation. … On local currency I started paying (a couple of years ago) 200 BsF, this month I paid 26,000,000,000 BsF (or the new denomination, which removed 5 zeros: 260,000 BsS)
There but for the grace of god … My sincere condolences. At least you are still online! Most people in the West have no idea how easily society can fail. I believe the authorities are prepared for people to riot should food be unavailable to buy for longer than about half a day.

Mortius1: I’m very boring. A boring connection suits me.
A kindred soul. :)

scientiae: Sapere aude!
GameRager: I looked that up (see? I can look stuff up, lol) … People should think for themselves but it makes one seem/look more relatable … it’s nice when it’s easier to understand others off the bat and be able to reply quickly to them. …
You read it but failed to comprehend it. Read it again.*

Actually, it is a compliment that you would regard what I write as directed (solely) at you, my American monoglot. It is also, simultaneously, egregiously arrogant. You demonstrate a blissful ignorance of the half-billion English speakers who learnt a Romance language first. For those people Latin is not something they have to research, it is fundamental to their national Sprachtbund.** (You do know there are other countries outside the borders of California, right? :P)
GameRager: … A bit of advice …
I wonder if you can take advice as readily as you dish it out. This is going to sting a little, but I hope you understand I am not your enemy. I warned you before to not presume to know me. Simply because I have written something legible to you, you ought to stop assuming that you know my purpose/s. (You suck at it! :)

I know that you crave distraction (for reasons that are unimportant to this discussion), but you should be aware that you may come across as a self-absorbed attention-seeker if you witter endlessly. Social media is not your friend in this regard. Think before you reply. (You are quite bright, and you are polite —— otherwise I would just ignore you.)

So, to the advice.***
I can’t speak for anyone else, but when I see a reply from you I have to grit my teeth to read it.

Why? Because you copy everything from the original post, and then add a confounding layout, almost like a aposematic warning: “don’t try to argue with me or I’ll deluge you in text”.

Here’s an idea: Why not edit the text?

Add the five-letter hypertext markup token: quote (including its enclosing brackets, and the slash prefix, to indicate closure) around the excerpt to create a clear pointer to which you are referring, and leave off the unnecessary repetition. (Maybe readers will be less inclined to reflexively award a demerit to your reply; this could just be a way of skirting the verbiage they have already read? Just sayin’.) To continually reply with the entire original text is just lazy and, ultimately, a turn-off for a reader.
(Nota bene, of course novices who are unfamiliar with the forum markup commands obviously aren’t lazy, and people who are time-poor have more pressing concerns —— but you are an inveterate poster throughout the forum. Which means that you are just not bothering to set out your thoughts for others to read —— even supposing that you can read them —— which I tend to doubt. This is thoughtless and, ultimately, quite rude.) For encouragement I have created a post that is too long to be included in your reply. :)

PS If I seek advice (on writing or anything else) I will ask my spouse, who was raised trilingual from birth (eventually fluent in more than a dozen languages), and who is far more intelligent than I am —— and I was studying foreign languages before you were born. No offence intended.

* It may not be obvious but I have two distinct modes of (written) communication. The first is ex tempore; this mode may or may not include mnemetic constructs from the alternate, deliberate and very considered process which often (if I get it aright) may have many levels of meaning.
** This is an international forum; the CDPR is a European company.
*** Note the “white space”, helping to set out thoughts for the reader so as to make them as legible as possible.
WinterSnowfall: Re Coming off of an 100Mb/s UTP link, I was worried that the fiber link may bring higher latency (in congested networks it may do just that), but I haven't seen much change fortunately.
The fiber link itself does not have any significant latency. The only thing which is causing latency is crappy infrastructure and bad network design on the provider side. When you have a good provider the fiber link is just an ethernet connection, exactly like an UTP cable, only that it can be much longer.
PainOfSalvation: My ISP may not the best but not the worst here either.
The speeds are good, but the 29 ms are terrible for a fiber link.
Post edited August 09, 2019 by eiii
timppu: Well, maybe, but there are lots of legit usages for p2p technology and clients. E.g. many Linux distros and shit are provided (also) with torrent-links on their download pages, and even the navigator software on my mobile phone (MapFactor) has the option to download offline maps straight to the device, using the built-in p2p technology.
Then again, I recall bittorrent does have some workaround in use so that the aforementioned port forwarding is not absolutely necessary, but I presume it helps with it too. On Emule though, port forwarding is pretty important because two users who are both behind a NAT will simply not see each other in the ed2k-network, they can't connect to each other. So without port forwarding (or a straight connection to the internet without NAT), an Emule user gets less download sources, basically only those who have open ports.
I've felt GOG should implement some kind of optional p2p option to download one's games, then I wouldn't feel bad for downloading all my GOG games. :) Plus, then those with very fast lines might get better download speeds for their GOG games when hiccups on GOG CDN servers wouldn't affect them anymore (like when many US and Chinese GOG customers complained they get poor download speeds from GOG servers).
I recall Humble Bundle at least had that; besides the direct download links, you could also use their torrent links to download your games from them. I haven't checked lately if HB still has that.
I was actually talking about legit me getting around gov't or corp censorship is a legit use tbh. ;)

And yeah there are other more legit uses like you mentioned as well which make such apps good to have.....sadly some just see them as shady pirating/pron apps.
Interesting stuff
I am guessing they don't do it to prevent some sharing games with those who don't own them...even if by accident(I don't think there would be a way for others to verify those DLing from them owned said games/etc without some sort of check that many might see as DRM/etc).
Sounds cool if they allow that, at any rate, for those who might need it..

Cadaver747: Cable | unlimited | 100/100 Mbps - 300 RUB (~$4.65) for 30 days (pure robbery)
I an guessing the pure robbery bit is you being silly and not serious? Because those prices seem insanely good to me compared to what I spend. o.0

krugos2: My Internet service is supposed to be 12Mbps, but it's never that fast and it fails all the time.

Now this will give you an idea of what's like living under hiperinflation. Last year, though fees went up each month in local currency, I paid about $1 US dollar a month all year long, at black market exchange rate; keep in mind Venezuelan minimum wage is somewhere under $4 a month! On April it went up from $1 to $10, which kinda messed up my finances, on May I paid $15, on June, July and August I paid about $32 (each month it increased in local currency but has remained more or less stable converted to US dollars).

On local currency I started paying (a couple of years ago) 200 BsF, this month I paid 26,000,000,000 BsF (or the new denomination, which removed 5 zeros: 260,000 BsS)
First off: 4 dollars minimum wage a MONTH?!? That sucks so guys have my sympathies(for that and all the rest of the crap you guys are suffering right now).

Second: I'm shocked no one has rioted at those price gouging tactics.
Post edited August 09, 2019 by GameRager
gmx: 500 Mbit down / 50Mbit up, fiber, no data caps, 20 euro …
scientiae: Nice. I think Eastern Europe wins the internets. :)

There is an ongoing debate here about how 5G will obsolete the NBN. I doubt it, since the high-frequency fifth generation transmission protocol has two flaws: it won’t go through walls, and it still needs a broadband network, otherwise it’s like an order of magnitude increase in traffic on a given road (but at least collisions are less messy).
You read it but failed to comprehend it. Read it again.*

Actually, it is a compliment that you would regard what I write as directed (solely) at you, my American monoglot. It is also, simultaneously, egregiously arrogant. You demonstrate a blissful ignorance of the half-billion English speakers who learnt a Romance language first. For those people Latin is not something they have to research, it is fundamental to their national Sprachtbund.** (You do know there are other countries outside the borders of California, right? :P)
I wonder if you can take advice as readily as you dish it out. This is going to sting a little, but I hope you understand I am not your enemy. I warned you before to not presume to know me. Simply because I have written something legible to you, you ought to stop assuming that you know my purpose/s. (You suck at it! :)
I know that you crave distraction (for reasons that are unimportant to this discussion), but you should be aware that you may come across as a self-absorbed attention-seeker if you witter endlessly. Social media is not your friend in this regard. Think before you reply. (You are quite bright, and you are polite —— otherwise I would just ignore you.)
I can’t speak for anyone else, but when I see a reply from you I have to grit my teeth to read it.

Why? Because you copy everything from the original post, and then add a confounding layout, almost like a aposematic warning: “don’t try to argue with me or I’ll deluge you in text”.

Here’s an idea: Why not edit the text?
(Nota bene, of course novices who are unfamiliar with the forum markup commands obviously aren’t lazy, and people who are time-poor have more pressing concerns —— but you are an inveterate poster throughout the forum. Which means that you are just not bothering to set out your thoughts for others to read —— even supposing that you can read them —— which I tend to doubt. This is thoughtless and, ultimately, quite rude.) For encouragement I have created a post that is too long to be included in your reply. :)
PS If I seek advice (on writing or anything else) I will ask my spouse, who was raised trilingual from birth (eventually fluent in more than a dozen languages), and who is far more intelligent than I am —— and I was studying foreign languages before you were born. No offence intended.
First off, sorry about the "wall of text". It is just how I organize my thoughts and I also use it to show what I am replying to to make sure others get what parts of my reply pertain to what parts of their replies/etc. That said:

1. Actually doesn't that "award" go to asian countries like Japan?

2. There's also the potential(alleged) health risks to people and other animal life, the massive amounts of towers needed to propagate the signals, etc.

3. It would help just a bit to know what I got wrong rather than having me re-read it and risk getting it wrong once more.

I also would like to say that usually when people reply to others most(from what i've seen) assume it is directed solely or near solely to them(unless one says differently).

Also please don't see it as me trying to be arrogant.....I don't intend to be such or come off as such(usually) when I reply to people.

4. I can.

Also if I may ask: how is it me "presuming to know you" to assume a reply written as a direct reply to one of my replies isn't to me alone without being told so somehow(either with some sort of subtle "markers" in the tone/text or an outright clarification/denotation of such)?

5. We all crave attention and social contact to some degree, though.....some more than others, yes, but is it so wrong for one to want such? I am genuinely curious on this.

Also I do cut back a ton here on writing and replying: I used to reply to every reply in a thread and go on for much longer. I also used to be more blunt with people and lately I have toned it down a bit.

(Thanks for the compliments in this bit, as well, btw. Not everyone here is willing to admit my good points or engage in dialog without writing me off entirely)

6. Eh, I try my best to cut down on word usage....if some(not you but in general) dislike the amount of words used/the tone/my opinions they are free to ignore part or all of my replies to them, same as I do with some of them. I do not write solely for their benefit but often to pose queries to them on what they wrote/their stances on some topics/to shoot the bull sometimes/etc.

As for the layout: I do it to organize my thoughts and make it clear what part of my reply pertains to what part of their reply I am replying to....just in case you didn't catch the part at the top explaining this.

(Also not to be too mean but you should talk: You post walls of text yourself and I bear with them/read them anyways.:))

7. I actually number post bits/space stuff with lines to make it easier for others to figure what parts of their posts I am replying to as well as organize my own I DO try to think of others.

Also as I said(a few times).....I am not here to constantly worry about stepping on eggshells. I try to be as polite as I think is fair & if some others think something is rude when I was not trying to be rude then I couldn't care less. I am not here to coddle people and make sure I never ever offend with every word I say, as the number of things that MIGHT offend someone is infinite and I only have so much time in my day.

8. To me when anyone gives common sense advice it should be held as matter the person's relation or lack of such to the one being replied to or the person's knowledge level.....good advice doesn't become bad advice if said the same way by two different people/etc.

(Lastly, if you got through this I commend you in all seriousness. I also apologize for the massive text amounts, once again.)

Additionally, a bit of criticism if it's ok: You also come off as knowledgeable as well, and are at least willing to reply in kind at length on many topics with me/others. That said, you do come off as a bit arrogant yourself(and smug) sometimes.....especially with stuff like the "you suck at it" and "you keep presuming to know me" bits and the subtle digs at my level of capability at handing out common sense advice in the final bit of your reply quote above about taking advice only from "knowledgable" sources.

I only mention these things not to make you upset, but just to show what I have noticed as you did with regards to my own posting style. If I offended with such(and I might a bit, given what I just said) then I apologize in advance.
Post edited August 10, 2019 by GameRager
I'm sorry for being silly, it helps to cope with world craziness. It's one of my constitutional rights after all. Prices are very good of course, I dropped my ISP [corrected] two times and they decided to make me a good offer all of a sudden.
Post edited August 10, 2019 by Cadaver747
GameRager: ...snip
Indeed walls of text are off-putting for many people. If it's difficult for you to separately quote the paragraphs you reply to, at least put the numbers to your delimiting lines too (1. ======), not only to the replies. Just some advice, not picking on you.
Optic fiber, unlimited. I wouldn't say it's the best quality (the one that I have) in the market, but I could download modern games relatively fast (20gb in less than an hour?). I remembered back in the older years, it will take me a few days just to net a 4-6gb series. Ah, those were the times. Glad we are past that now.
GameRager: I am guessing they don't do it to prevent some sharing games with those who don't own them...even if by accident(I don't think there would be a way for others to verify those DLing from them owned said games/etc without some sort of check that many might see as DRM/etc).
Somehow Humble Bundle has managed in that, even though they let you use a generic bittorrent client to download your game installers. I am not 100% sure if it is somehow possible to "tap in" and download any HB game if you just know the torrent link, but I presume the tracker or whatever it is makes sure that the download is initiated only from a HB account, logged in.

Also, GOG wouldn't necessarily need to use generic p2p clients or protocols either, they could just as well make their own. I recall that at least previously had something like that in the client, you could enable p2p so that content would also come from other users, and you would share your downloaded stuff as well.

I generally like the idea that download bandwidth can be shared like that, as long as it is optional. I can understand people with e.g. metered connections wouldn't want to be obliged to upload stuff to other users while they download.