Zrevnur: Which "other methods"? Example: If someone uses vulgar language and I dont like it then I dont really see any "other methods" which I would expect to work.
I just hide each post by low rating, and it works for most bad posts....also some people sometimes make good posts so I don't usually feel the need or want to ignore most people completely.
Zrevnur: Speaking for myself: I would be very unlikely to use such a tool due to security threat. You have to trust the author or if its open source check it yourself. That's a major drawback.
Fair enough, but many likely would be ok with using such or be cautious yet still be ok with using such once verified....so that reason doesn't seem to fit most people, though I can see how it would fit some.
Zrevnur: For most ppl in this situation however the biggest drawback is that they probably don't know such a tool even exists if it is not part of the forum itself. I am more talking about ppl who aren't familiar with the forum and get a bad "second impression" than some old regulars who happened to collect a personal enemy whom they want to make go away.
Fair enough, but with a little work some could easily search up for such tools or ask others for such via a question thread....one just has to make the effort to learn of such, in many cases.
richlind33: Who said anything about "pushing people to use it"?
I never said you or anyone said that, I was just saying in general/musing on it/etc.