Posted October 07, 2015

Old and Cranky
Registered: May 2010
From United States

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted October 07, 2015

Yeah... US/Imperial isn't very adaptable.
Then again, "Hey, man, hand me that point six two five socket, would ya?"
Conveniently, on the tool side many regular sizes are really close. So that 5/8" socket is practically a 16mm tool. 3/4" is a 19mm, and lots of others also work out very close. But do I ever hate it when customers cram a standard screw in a metric hole...
Speaking of which, some genius decided that there needs to be two different unrelated standards for fasteners. Half-inch #9? WTF is that? I can at least figure out what a "1/4 - 20" is: 1/4" shaft with 20 threads per inch. But I still prefer the metric version: shaft size, and spacing between the threads.

buy Evil Genius
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted October 08, 2015

In comparison you have 12 inches in a foot, 3 feet in a yard, 5120 feet (or something like that) in a mile, etc etc.
This is like complaining millions and billions mathematically makes no sense, while if you looked at the original configuration, to become a billionaire was much higher than it is today, and it totally made sense when using powers.
History tour
How big is a billion
But if we're on the topic of things that make no sense, how about that we're using a decimal system? Why not use a base of 8? Or 12? 12 has the distinct advantage it can be divided by 3 and 4, which base 10 can't.
The metric system allows you to have all sorts of crazy units without requiring a lot of effort to learn them. The cost though is that none of the measures makes any real sense. A meter has the same issue that a yard does. They're too long to be of practical use. You wind up having to convert them to decimals or engage in other adjustments.
The CM because it's 100th of a meter has the opposite problem. It's really too small for practical use. I can easily estimate an inch using my finger, but I can't really do that with a centimeter. The best I can do is that a CM is roughly half the width of my pointer finger.
The foot is about the length of a foot or can be related to the actual length of ones foot without too much trouble. But, ti's also a rather nice length for things as it's long enough that you don't need to have too many of them, but it's also short enough to where you don't have to have to always be dealing with fractions.
The point though is that the imperial units are ones that are much more easily related to real life. Yes, they do require a bit more education to use properly, but they're much more intuitive once you do.
The other thing is that we can and do decimalize the imperial measures when convenient. I've personally used Engineering measuring tapes that deal in 10ths of feet so you have 10 1.2" markings per foot. The cars all use decimalized miles for their odometer.
With the metric system though, you can't start using halves and thirds and still have something that makes any sense at all. If you go with 1/3 of a meter now you've got something that's awkwardly long and doesn't really relate to any of the other measures very well.
TL:DR the people who think the metric system is more logical or easier are mostly people who don't understand how the imperial system works , have never paid attention to what they're doing with the measurements or haven't used both systems long enough to get comfortable with them. In the years I was using the metric system, it never made anything I was doing easier, except for science. Outside of science, the metric system doesn't make anything easier. Most of the time it's a draw, but when it's not a draw the imperial measures usually win.
Honestly, it really doesn't. For science and technology, it does, however for daily living it doesn't. And that makes sense, the imperial measures were pretty much invented for things people do in daily living. The SI units that the metric system uses were designed for science.
The result is that imperial measures suck balls for science and the metric system is rarely the easiest system of measure for daily living.
Post edited October 08, 2015 by hedwards

Land Shark
Registered: May 2014
From United States
Posted October 08, 2015
I just wanted to say this is why I love the gog forum. :) continue!

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted October 08, 2015

The CM because it's 100th of a meter has the opposite problem. It's really too small for practical use. I can easily estimate an inch using my finger, but I can't really do that with a centimeter. The best I can do is that a CM is roughly half the width of my pointer finger.
Although i agree having an intermediate stand-in that's like 20-25CM (7-9 inches), it wouldn't fight the system and provide a solution for if you needed it.
I'm reminded of Azu-manga Daio, One of the characters asks if the tall (athletic) girl broke/grew past 170CM and she said she did... But why that's a bad thing I'm not sure, hell 175 seems easier to remember than two parts of 5 feet 9 inches (for me). If it's more accurate and in common usage, the too long/short thing goes away as you get used to it, I'm sure things would adapt quite rapidly to the more common lengths after a while be it for new roads and city blocks, or measuring our height and clothes.
Post edited October 08, 2015 by rtcvb32

Registered: Jun 2009
From Canada
Posted October 08, 2015

Trying to sort things that are DD/MM/YY is just downright annoying.

buy Evil Genius
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted October 08, 2015

The CM because it's 100th of a meter has the opposite problem. It's really too small for practical use. I can easily estimate an inch using my finger, but I can't really do that with a centimeter. The best I can do is that a CM is roughly half the width of my pointer finger.

Although i agree having an intermediate stand-in that's like 20-25CM (7-9 inches), it wouldn't fight the system and provide a solution for if you needed it.
I'm reminded of Azu-manga Daio, One of the characters asks if the tall (athletic) girl broke/grew past 170CM and she said she did... But why that's a bad thing I'm not sure, hell 175 seems easier to remember than two parts of 5 feet 9 inches (for me). If it's more accurate and in common usage, the too long/short thing goes away as you get used to it, I'm sure things would adapt quite rapidly to the more common lengths after a while be it for new roads and city blocks, or measuring our height and clothes.
And no, the too long/ too short thing never goes away. It gets easier, but it doesn't get easier than just using a proper system of measure. It's the wrong system of measure for the use. Just like using imperial measures for science doesn't really ever become convenient, metric measures never come into their own for the things people do in daily living.
I see people making lame assertions like that you have to get used to it or that it's more logical, but with the years I've spent working with the system, I have yet to uncover any evidence that it's true.
As for height goes, if inches and feet is too complicated, just use inches. That 5' 9" becomes 69" , it's basically the same thing that they do in the metric system. Or you just decimalize the number.
Yeah, well just wait until the come after me with those metric pitchforks.
Post edited October 08, 2015 by hedwards

Good Old Games
Registered: May 2012
From Romania
Posted October 08, 2015

I wouldn`t be against using inch if it was part of a decimal system of measurement.

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands
Posted October 08, 2015

Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted October 08, 2015

When I get parts made locally, I have to explain to the machine shops that they're better off measuring in metric since most all of the dimensions end in a nice, round number like 125mm, instead of 4.921 that they always want to round up to 5 inches. Had to shitcan an order of $7,000 worth of custom rack and pinion because one shop measured in inch after I specifically told them metric. Thank goodness I had an email record of the order.

In comparison you have 12 inches in a foot, 3 feet in a yard, 5120 feet (or something like that) in a mile, etc etc.
This is like complaining millions and billions mathematically makes no sense, while if you looked at the original configuration, to become a billionaire was much higher than it is today, and it totally made sense when using powers.
History tour
How big is a billion
But if we're on the topic of things that make no sense, how about that we're using a decimal system? Why not use a base of 8? Or 12? 12 has the distinct advantage it can be divided by 3 and 4, which base 10 can't.
When we meet those fabled twelvetoes, we'll be blown away by their mathematical prowess.
For the song:
Post edited October 08, 2015 by Tallima

Durik - Half-Orc
Registered: Dec 2013
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HelpThe Aged-Me!
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Big Daddy
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HelpThe Aged-Me!
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