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The cord of my cheap headphones at work got ran over too many times by the PC (hooking and unhooking stuff, changing hardware), and I had to replace them, so brought some phone earphones I had at home.

Wow, what a difference! I can actually understand the words in some songs where I had trouble before. I'm suddenly appreciating Phantasma's The Deviant Hearts more, and I'm going to listen to Turn the Lights Out (from Delain's Lunar Prelude) again, which I complained (to myself) wasn't clear enough.
ScotchMonkey: I'm cooking nearly everyday now, getting pretty good at it too. Saving tons of money from not eating out I need to learn how make a great sauce.
dtgreene: The way I generally make red pasta sauce is as follows (all in the same pot):

Roast garlic in olive oil. (Optional: you can omit this and instead add garlic powder later.)
Brown ground beef (I usually use ground chuck) (This step can be skipped if you don't want meat in the sauce)
Drain the fat (if you cooked the beef)
Add 1 can each of crushed tomatoes (or diced tomatoes or tomato puree), tomato sauce, and tomato paste
Add a bit of water (or wine)
Add spices. I usually add basil and oregano, and sometimes I add a bay leaf.
Heat to boiling, then simmer and cover.
You will, of course, need something to put the sauce on (I recommend pasta).

To clean the can of tomato paste so you can recycle it, let it soak for a bit and most of it will come off easily.
That actually sounds really good, I've got to try it next time I want to make a pasta sauce!

By the way, do you add the Basil and Oregano during or after the cooking? I personally add them at the end, because they tend to lose their flavor if you cook them for too long.
Post edited March 09, 2016 by QuickyBard
QuickyBard: By the way, do you add the Basil and Oregano during or after the cooking? I personally add them at the end, because they tend to lose their flavor if you cook them for too long.
I generally add them during the cooking, but that might be something to experiment with.
Escaped from Spellhold in Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition, thereby surpassing the progress of my last vanilla BG II character that I lost interest in when I installed the Enhanced Edition. In finished the vanilla game thrice and it feels good making progress with my first Enhanced Edition character (plus two still busying themselves in chapter 2).

Feel sorry though for my characters in the vanilla edition that I was still playing (two in BG 1, two in BG 2) but won't finish the game with as I don't feel like going back to the old version.

The Enhanced Edition have a much easier UI to use, such as icons on the portraits that show what action your character is about to take, so you don't need to peer through the combat log, rely on memory in the thick of combat or give the order again to know if a character has already cast his or her spell or not. The quick loot is helpful as well, to check if there's anything of worth lying on the ground after a battle without walking up to every heap left. Plus the UI is actually adjusted to the resolution used. No more peering at tiny letters and tiny action buttons on higher resolutions.

*edit: the only thing that's less easy in Enhanced Edition, is playing parallel campaigns, like I always do. In vanilla, you copy-pasted the game minus the data, movie and music folders to a new game folder, made sure the baldur.ini pointed to your new location and started the game from a shortcut to the BGmain.exe inside the new folder. With the Enhanced Editions, savegames are stored in My Documents, so in order to keep the saves from different campaigns separated, you need to have a different Windows account for each and every one of your characters, starting the campaing with a Shift-Rightclick on the proper shortcut and choose 'run as a different user'.
Post edited March 12, 2016 by DubConqueror
I FINALLY S ranked the survival challenges from Streets of Rage Remake and i got gold medals to boss rush challenges, minus the Remake mode (had 16 instead of 8), to which i lost at the final boss...
Post edited March 13, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
ScotchMonkey: I want to know how do a good spicy chicken. My cayenne concoction did not fare all that well.
A favorite of ours is 40 Cloves and a Chicken. That's 40 cloves of garlic. Not as garlicky as you might think, and you can make a really tasty dipping sauce from the pan leavins'. The normal recipe calls for thyme but it would probably work fine with something in the spicy range.

This is the one we make: Really simple and it seems impossible to screw up.

Other than that, try Jerk Chicken recipes.
I just finished watching the No Man's Sky E3 trailer thrice, and it made me so happy! If I couldn't have that beautiful game, at least I would like to own the song used in the trailer.
Nothing made me happy at all today, it was an absolutely shit day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better :)
Happy to see that multiplayer co-op is still alive on Dark Souls 2, That made my all-day-long play session more enjoyable :)
Had two portions of exquisite chicken pie
Talked to one of my ex gfs last night. She told me how screwed up all our old friends are now. Most of our friends from school are meth head losers with criminal records and numerous divorces.

Right now I am orgasmic while sipping on a cold glass of revenge. It has taken me a lifetime to try and get my idiot friends to see the error of their ways. Now they're suffering the effects of a lifetime's worth of bad ideas, bad decisions and a total lack of moral or ethical considerations.

Reap what you sow, you no good bastards.
Yay. I finally got HBO streaming going on my Mac. No thanks to the dumb ways HBO Now subscription requirements are set up.

No, I do not have a smartphone/tablet and I'm not signed up with the two very specific internet providers they have listed on their site... BUT thanks to the freely available and quite neat Android VM called <span class="bold">Andy</span> I was able to sign up via Google Play and after that I just log in normally through my everyday browser.

:) :) :) Catching up on Games of Thrones Season 5 right now.

With my current HBO Now & Netflix combo (and the occasional DVDs from my local library) I'm pretty much all set as far as film/TV goes.
Post edited March 14, 2016 by mistermumbles
Seeing the above avatar and smiling because he thinks that's real football:-)
I have taken my first driving lesson ever. Driving is quite fun.
Post edited March 14, 2016 by Ikarugamesh
I finally managed to beat ALL 16 bosses in a row, from Streets of rage remake, on boss rush mode! Gold Medal finally, at long last! And i even completed more than half of the events!