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Karlallen: I have many, many, movies that I like. But if I had to choose one... Then I'm stuck. It would either be Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness or [url=]The Princess Bride[/url].

The Princess Bride is one of these movies I have seen around 100 times when I was a kid. I still think is one of the most charming movies ever.
Iraito: is the first time,that i see a person that knows this movie ,great (:3

I love asian cinema, and Last Life in the Universe is a movie nobody should miss
Oh crap...
Having to choose one (and REALLY only one) favorite movie is like Sophie's Choice for me...
I'll go with Shaun of the Dead then.
I'll never get tired of this one.
not even hard. Tron. Probably one of the best there is.
Necro'd an interesting thread LOL

For me it is hard to pick just one movie as I have a large spectrum, but I guess I would go with Serenity. FIrefly was the best tv series ever and I was glad to see a movie come out to tie up a lot of questions. :)
tinyE: Spider-Babe
That looks like a spider woman porno LOL
tinyE: Spider-Babe
trentonlf: That looks like a spider woman porno LOL
It kind of is. :D In this movie she shoots webs out of her snatch.
tinyE: It kind of is. :D In this movie she shoots webs out of her snatch.
ROFLMFAO picturing that

*wipes tears from eyes*
trentonlf: Necro'd an interesting thread LOL

For me it is hard to pick just one movie as I have a large spectrum, but I guess I would go with Serenity. FIrefly was the best tv series ever and I was glad to see a movie come out to tie up a lot of questions. :)
Another firefly fan! alright!
It's a toss up between White men can't jump and Triumph of the will. Both are really fun comedies. But white men lacks a Hitler cameo and Triumph of the will sadly has no Wesley Snipes.
I don't have favorites of anything entertainment-wise, but if I had to choose one movie, it would be 1984 John Carpenter's 'The Thing.' Sure, not the greatest movie, but it seems like it is one that I can watch whenever and not get tired of.
Brazil (the final cut version). But only because I have to pick one film. There are several I can think of that I would put on par with Brazil.
trentonlf: Necro'd an interesting thread LOL

For me it is hard to pick just one movie as I have a large spectrum, but I guess I would go with Serenity. FIrefly was the best tv series ever and I was glad to see a movie come out to tie up a lot of questions. :)
oh, I just couldn't take sad mal. I just kept saying to myself, "I thought this was going to be a happy movie". wrong!

If I had to chose just one... hmm. Kill Bill. I've seen it a billion times and I'd watch it a billion more. Huge Tarantino fan anyways (except Django. wtf???). And you know, you might have something about movies tying into our game preference. I do like the violent FPSs. :)
trentonlf: That looks like a spider woman porno LOL
tinyE: It kind of is. :D In this movie she shoots webs out of her snatch.
picturing her swinging from building to building right now... rofl
Post edited August 31, 2014 by Crewdroog
You can never name just 1 favourite. It's nigh-impossible. But if you hold a gun to my head and force me just name one, then Shawshank Redemption.
As a child it was Bambi... Today? Hmmm... I'd say K-pax. Maybe it's just cause of the awesome music...