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And I mean games like Daggerfall, System Shock 1, Duke Nukem 3D, and Outlaws are equally represented.

So what is your favorite First Person game that is like this? You can even rank them like this:

1. Daggerfall
2. 3D Realms games.
3. Star Wars Dark Forces.

I have been getting into Shooters as of late and I am inteested at the moment in these style of First Person games.
Post edited July 22, 2017 by Elmofongo
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (1993)
I remember playing the shareware version. Pretty good fun with a cheesy cartoony style which fitted the pixelart nicely. I recall that I drew maps of the levels. It has a sequel which I don't know much about.

Isle of the Dead (1993)
It really wasn't all that bad, really. Okay maybe it was, but it was fun too.

Barony (2015)
First-person roguelike. Granted, it uses voxels not pixels sprites, but that's kinda the same, and has some pretty solid gameplay.

Blood (1998)
I ragequitted this one early. It's way tough. Wanna get back on this one, though.

Generally, I think what matters with old shooters is whether they support mouse look or not. If they don't, they are pretty much outdated.
One recommendation. If you liked System Shock and Daggerfall you should try both parts of Ultima Underworld. Wonderful game with incredible soundtrack (midi at its finest).

On a side note, you can also give a free 8Bit Killer a shot. It is a short, free, Doom inspired game:
2.Doom 2
6.SW Dark Forces
7.Ultima Underworld 1 and 2
8.Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny
9.Duke Nukem 3D.
10. System Shock
11. Blake Stone
12. Blood
Post edited July 23, 2017 by Lord_Kane
Probably TES: Arena.

I actually prefer it to Daggerfall, as Arena is simpler, doesn't require (or even allow) you to look up or down, and has more distinct classes (and no Custom class option that makes all the premade classes pointless). Also, Arena is less buggy than Daggerfall (not that that's saying much, as Arena still has many reproducible bugs that I've found), and Arena's wilderness is more interesting. Also, Arena *does* have spellmaking, my favorite feature of the series.

And, let's not forget that there are spells that let you create or destroy walls and floors, something not seen elsewhere in the TES series (do any other "Doom-Like" games have this feature?).

Arena isn't without its flaws, like the fact that the Main Quest (which is where all the interesting dungeons are) re-uses weak enemies for too long (spiders come to mind), and strong enemies appear too late in the game; you can go a while without seeing any new enemies.
Shadow Warrior
Star Wars: Dark Forces
Realms of the Haunting
System Shock
Ultima Underworld
Wolfenstein 3D.

Why try beat the classic? :P
Only Outlaws. I didn't find in others the same freedom of movement, the same pre-farcry, cloak-and-daggery pleasure of seeking flanking opportunities. Plus, the Old West is still a dramatically underused setting in gaming. Making it paradoxically more original and refreshing than generic raygun #28'875.
Post edited July 23, 2017 by Telika
Star Wars: Dark Forces (still my favorite SW "pew pew" game)
System Shock
Duke Nukem 3D
Even if you have probably already mentioned all the best 2.5D games, Catacomb 3-D and Witchaven deserve to be mentioned as well.

Catacomb 3-D was probably the first 2.5D FPS featuring texture mapping.

Witchaven was the first game (beside the unreleased Legend of the Seven Paladins) featuring the famous Build Engine.
I gave Blood another try and it's pretty fun, actually. It even managed to scare me a bit. The game has a dark (but cheesy) "satanic" horror vibe. It is more faithfully committed to its chosen style than most shooters.

The game is unbelievably hard, even on the chickenest difficulty. Even a rat or a hot stove may prove fatal. Quicksave is essential here! I'm not very good at serious 3D shooters, so I can't really judge exactly how much depth there is, but I like what I'd seen so far. I like the level design - lots of secret areas and horror movie references!

The first time I tried blood Blood, the input bugged me. So I made my own Custom keyboard settings but after I was done fixing the input, I kind of forgot that I had originally wanted to actually play the game!

It's kind of hipster-like, but I think changing Dosbox scaler to something mimicking a low-budget CRT-monitor is kind of fitting for those games. personally, I prefer scaler=rgb2x forced
I had a bit of trouble getting it to work, but this old page helped: Optimize DOSBox for Modern Screens

I also zoom out the display a tad, to get the full-size HUD. This feels right for old shooters like this.
Post edited July 23, 2017 by KasperHviid
Only Duke 3D really. Though I would probably have loved Strife if I had it back then. Other contenders are Hexen and Heretic, but I only played short demos I think.
My favorites ARE the Ultimate Doom and Doom 2. That said, I quite like Dark Forces, Duke 3D and Shadow Warrior.

For those who like Blood, I'd like to remind you guys about the existence of this port:

(I can't post links for rep reasons, but you just copy and paste that to the address bar)

It's still not done, but it's coming along nicely.