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Shadowstalker16: There should be an option to display SFW games only on the storepages. So people can turn it on if they're browsing at work / with family and people who don't mind can have it off.
The hentai game invasion of Steam is nothing new. AFAIK there was Go Go Nippon on Steam for fair amount of time. I welcome the tide. If Valve allows games like Slaughtering Grounds or Batman :AK to be sold; I don't see why stop there; and I mean it in a good sense.
Heh. Yep. And that's another thing. Its not just that I don't want to be seen by my family browsing that stuff, but also in work and in public places. But hey, we all know Valve has terrible quality control to begin with.
PookaMustard: The Monster High girls don't show off much skin as Lula's title card.
Breja: Aaah! Skin! Take it away, take it away! It's evil and unnatural! Begone, foul creature!
Allow me to buy Paladin armor to make that moment even more awesome.
Post edited October 11, 2015 by PookaMustard
MichaelFurlong: As someone who's trying to get my sister and niece into playing some gog games together, having pronography plastered over the front page REALLY does not help in creating an environment that I want to share with friends and family.

I hope this is a one-off. If people want to play sex games, that's fine, but I don't want my 8 year old niece to see this on her first day on GOG.
i'm sorry your niece and imouto were not breast-fed as babies and were shilled by nestle, aned probably suffered from malnutrition.
xa_chan: I wonder why your 8 yo niece has to come to GOG in the first place... You can't select good games for her or for your sister by yourself?

It's an honest question, not a criticism. But letting an 8-yo surfing on GOG is to me as irresponsible as letting a youngster play GTA 5... Because you say you don't want titties plastered everywhere in the front page of GOG, but would you be okay with guns plastered everywhere ?
Because I live on the other side of the planet and I want her to be able to use GOG galaxy to download games from an account I set up for her, then run them without light-pornography coming up.
That's a picture. A picture she can or won't click on. The picture itself is NOT porn. Not even LIGHT porn. Looking at it, if she's 'that' young then she won't even understand what it says.
PookaMustard: Heh. Yep. And that's another thing. Its not just that I don't want to be seen by my family browsing that stuff, but also in work and in public places. But hey, we all know Valve has terrible quality control to begin with.
Allow me to buy Paladin armor to make that moment even more awesome.
Why are we buying me armor...?
Breja: Hmm, judging by the games I play most I'm not getting nearly enought weird dialogue, puns and strange puzzles at home.

I guess I should try to use more objects around me with other objects and see what happens... anyone know where I can get a cout with infinitely deep pockets?
Haha. Ever tried using your iron on the doorknob to melt the magical ice so that you can slip a piece of thread through and open it from the other side? I really love the illogic of solving adventure puzzles sometimes.
Post edited October 11, 2015 by paladin181
high rated
MichaelFurlong: As someone who's trying to get my sister and niece into playing some gog games together, having pronography plastered over the front page REALLY does not help in creating an environment that I want to share with friends and family.

I hope this is a one-off. If people want to play sex games, that's fine, but I don't want my 8 year old niece to see this on her first day on GOG.
Your 8-year-old niece isn't supposed to have an account on GOG in the first place. From GOG's user agreement (1.2):

1.2 If you're over 18, then welcome to! If you're between 13 and 18 (or whatever is the age of adulthood in your country), before we extend an equally warm welcome, please ask your parent or guardian to review and approve this Agreement on your behalf (because in some countries people under a certain age cannot legally enter into contracts like this Agreement). Legally, children below 13 cannot have a GOG account (but their parents/guardians are welcome to sign up themselves).
high rated
Sex = Bad for children, explaining these things to kids? Too much effort!

Violence = Meh, who cares?

Self-Destructive species we are, sometimes :3
Grargar: Your 8-year-old niece isn't supposed to have an account on GOG in the first place. From GOG's user agreement (1.2):
She doesn't need to have a GOG account in the first place to view the website, which is the least requirement to see the Lula title card. She might browse it by luck, since its an allowed website, or use GOG Galaxy and get on the store.
paladin181: Haha. Ever tried using your iron on the doorknob to melt the magical ice so that you can slip a piece of thread through and open it from the other side? I really love the illogic of solving adventure puzzles sometimes.
What I love about it most is how you can get on the right wavelength after a while, where it all makes perfect sense. My favourite example is probably a puzzle from Deponia 2 [SPOILER FOLLOWS], where to solve it you have to turn off the music in the options menu, and I figured it out without any hints. When I did that i realised I'm operating on some whole different level of "logic".
Post edited October 11, 2015 by Breja
Grargar: Your 8-year-old niece isn't supposed to have an account on GOG in the first place. From GOG's user agreement (1.2):
PookaMustard: She doesn't need to have a GOG account in the first place to view the website, which is the least requirement to see the Lula title card. She might browse it by luck, since its an allowed website, or use GOG Galaxy and get on the store.
This is where parenting comes in.

Block the site
Only allow on the site when you are at the computer and point her to certain games.

moar banana hammocks on gog. !

Judas, you heard me, chop-chop!
MichaelFurlong: having pronography plastered over the front page REALLY does not help in creating an environment that I want to share with friends and family.
rtcvb32: And i'll assume having grim guys wielding large blades of death, or having huge guns is better? Or a cutesie group of 4 heroes wielding weapons intended for death and destruction as well...

Most games are violent and/or sexy, unless you go with something like triple town...

yes. GOG should have DOA games. all of the including the "sports" game.
Crewdroog: moar banana hammocks on gog. !

Judas, you heard me, chop-chop!
Bad choice of words there.
Breja: What I love about it most is how you can get on the right wavelength after a while, where it all makes perfect sense. My favourite example is probably a puzzle from Deponia 2, where to solve it you have to turn off the music in the options menu, and I figured it out without any hints. When I did that i realised I'm operating on some whole different level of "logic".
You just spoiled a hint from a potential to get game on my list! Now lemme turn off the music in real life though, maybe I'll find the secret gold.
*eats some popcorn*