tremere110: Virtue signalling in the classic definition is any public expression of moral values that costs resources(usually a significant amount). Motivation is irrelevant.
Virtue signalling as an insult is any public expression of moral values through largely empty gestures. Motivation is once again irrelevant. Seeing as the movies were removed and it was publicly broadcasted as such it fits the latter definition perfectly - given that the movie section of GoG is hardly a moneymaker.
ugh... what is with you people. I was making a point that it was unfair to judge them as you don't know their motivations. That is my opinion and it's a valid opinion. You see it differently and that's fine, it's valid for you to have that opinion. I was working from the Cambridge definition of "virtue signalling" and based on that my interpretation is correct as that definition has the action being done to gain favour with a particular group and not for any other motive. Again, if you're defining it in a different way that's fine. I don't care.
I wasn't agreeing with the actions of the company in question, I think they're stupid from a business standpoint, but I also don't pretend like I know why people do the things they do.
The irony of this is that a bunch of people here are outraged about the outrage of this company and are essentially blind to that. I was trying to encourage a more civilized discussion, which apparently is a pointless pursuit.