Posted October 24, 2018
Zombie Orpheus Entertainment (Dark Dungeons, The Gamers, JourneyQuest, etc.) just pulled all of their films from the catalog here in response to offensive tweets made by GOG's Twitter account over the past few months. You may say: "So what?", but it got me thinking about the larger implications something like this could have. We've seen how controversy averse Disney has been of late when it's comes to offensive tweets. They get rid of anyone they feel is a liability to their brand (Roseanne Barr, James Gunn, Chuck Wendig). Currently there are people contacting developers and publishers (including Disney) that partner with GOG, showing them the tweets in question and trying to get them to pull their games. There are thinkpieces being written and YouTube videos being made. If a big fish like Disney were to pull all their games over this, other major publishers like Activision, Bethesda, Electronic Arts, Square-Enix and Ubisoft might decide to follow suit. Yeeps. This could get real serious real fast.
Post edited October 24, 2018 by Star_Ocean