Posted February 04, 2013

Insert liquor
Registered: May 2011
From Finland

Zero fox given.
Registered: Nov 2008
From Germany
Posted February 04, 2013
Terminator Salvation for the PS3, which I picked up for a few euros from a car boot sale.
I'm actually enjoying this far more than I thought I would and more than I probably should. It's fairly repetitive and very short (getting to chapter seven has taken me three hours, and there are nine chapters in total), but it's driven along by a decent-ish prequel story to the film itself (including a few neat references to the other Terminator films that didn't make it into the T4 film) and some excellent AI team play. Getting teammates to keep terminators busy by drawing their fire while you jump from cover to cover to sneak behind them and fuck up their battery packs is immensely satisfying, and it has probably the best shotgun mechanics since Doom.
I'm actually enjoying this far more than I thought I would and more than I probably should. It's fairly repetitive and very short (getting to chapter seven has taken me three hours, and there are nine chapters in total), but it's driven along by a decent-ish prequel story to the film itself (including a few neat references to the other Terminator films that didn't make it into the T4 film) and some excellent AI team play. Getting teammates to keep terminators busy by drawing their fire while you jump from cover to cover to sneak behind them and fuck up their battery packs is immensely satisfying, and it has probably the best shotgun mechanics since Doom.

Insert liquor
Registered: May 2011
From Finland
Posted February 04, 2013
Firstly I was in Soul reaver 2 but got bored making those controls fine. So.. I'm just playing sleeping dogs.. didn't hurt much with that high resolution pack which I originally thought that those kind of things were only in Dragon age 2. =)

in brightest day
Registered: May 2012
From United States
Posted February 12, 2013
Started Giana Sisters and beat the first boss today. I'm really enjoying it so far. Kinda difficult but thats fine. Makes for good short game sessions during a busy day

Get Showgunners!
Registered: Jun 2011
From Poland
Posted February 12, 2013
MANY. About halfway through Far Cry 2 (haven't touched it in two weeks or so, though), started playing Dark Souls, now rather playing Darksiders 2 but I'm really not enjoying it so far. I loved Darksiders 1 for everything about it - the combat, the riddles, the characters, the environments, the atmosphere, just the design of everything! But Darksiders 2 has sacrificed everything that made Darksiders 1 special to me. I hate its boring and generic hero, the NPCs, the world, the atmosphere and above all its RPG-ish gameplay. Meaningless items, an unnecessary skill tree (that limits options instead of providing additional ones over its predecessor), a huge but empty game world filled with its generic sites (oh yay, a dozen of variations on an Aztec temple instead of one truly original place)... also the plot totally isn't engaging so far. In Darksiders 1 I was looking up to every single cutscene, all of which were brilliantly directed, had brilliant dialogues and a relevance to the plot. Now each encounter with an NPC ends up in meaningless RPG-ish "blablabla fate blablabla our ancestors blabla old temple bla". Seriously hope it's gonna get a better later on but I doubt it. <.<

Registered: Jun 2012
From United States
Posted February 12, 2013
Hellboy: the Science of Evil.
It's not very good, but it's short, and I'm 80% of the way through, so I guess I'll finish the stupid thing. Mainly it's a procrastination tool--I should be grading my students' tests, but they're so depressingly awful that after plowing through ten of them, pretty much anything else is going to start sounding good in comparison, even playing Hellboy: the Science of Evil.
It's not very good, but it's short, and I'm 80% of the way through, so I guess I'll finish the stupid thing. Mainly it's a procrastination tool--I should be grading my students' tests, but they're so depressingly awful that after plowing through ten of them, pretty much anything else is going to start sounding good in comparison, even playing Hellboy: the Science of Evil.

Thievin' Bastard Team
Registered: Oct 2008
From Poland
Posted February 12, 2013
Game X along with some Game Y on the side :D

Old User
Registered: Sep 2011
From France
Posted February 12, 2013
Playing Tiny & Big. Original gameplay & style but silly & not enough straightforward in some situations to my liking.

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland

WoW Addict
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

Galaxy Explorer
Registered: Feb 2012
From United States
Posted February 13, 2013
Thought i would finally play through the mass effect trilogy still on one at the moment.

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted February 13, 2013
Would you believe Teen Agent? It was free so I figured screw it, why not?

The A.I. Guy
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted February 13, 2013
Mass Effect 2. I'm actually close to being finished; all I have left is the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC.

New User
Registered: Nov 2008
From Other
Posted February 13, 2013
Still trying to beat the military campaign of Space Colony HD. And I also play Geneforge 2.

These pretzels are making me thirsty
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted February 13, 2013
The Binding of Isaac and Max Payne 3. I'm so close to Platinum God in BoI! Just a few achievements and items left!
Max Payne has been a good distraction when my quest for Platinum God becomes too frustrating.
Max Payne has been a good distraction when my quest for Platinum God becomes too frustrating.