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Enebias: Do you mean the Cazadors? Imo, those are the worst enemies in the game: fast, though, and you're dead if you don't carry an antidote. They have been a real nightmare for my gunslinger, as I couldn't properly aim to them due to their speed! I preferred to just avoid them, even if I needed to take a big deviation from my path.

I didn't play all the DLCs yet, but I can say he scaled up pretty well. The maximixed Speech skill helped me to avoid every impossible situation for a "squishy" charcater like mine, keeping violence to a minimum and sparing me to face the thougher enemies. Also, high science and repair sometimes helped me to find backup, and the perk to sneakily deactivate robots from behind is invaluable against the bigger ones. I have also avoided the last fight! I don't think I could have ever made it, otherwise.
Yeah, the Cazadors. They can definitely be annoying but they hit a lot softer than the Deathclaws, plus they might seem easier to me just because I can back up and just let my chainsaw do the work. I made it to New Vegas along the main quest path though, so I haven't had a chance to try the chainsaw or the Super Sledge yet.

With high charisma you can get followers too, right? That would definitely make some things easier, I've yet to get one yet, not that I especially need one.

Anyway, I've got my Guns up to 85 I believe, plus 50 thousand some odd Caps and I'm right outside of Gun Runners. Any recommendations on any weapons? I'm not sure which Rifle to buy, the best I currently have is the Service Rifle and I'd like something a lot better than it. Well, the Service Rifle is the best unless you count the Minigun as a rifle.
Currently playing Age of Wonders 3. I'm playing through the campaign, and mission 2 is quite the undertaking. It's hard enough that I had to sit up and take notice, and really *think* about what I'm doing. It's easy in RPG-like games to kind of turn your brain off, but that's not an option here. I can't lean on having impossibly-strong hero units when the A.I. can just fling advanced units at me like Mardis Gras beads.

So I restarted the mission (even though I was 90 turns in ...) and started a much more aggressive approach, denying the A.I. the cities they'd need to field a huge army. It's been back-and-forth but it's much more exciting, and I'm making tangible gains. Within a few turns I'll have a couple of dragons on my side, which should help tip the scales.

It is making each victory that much more satisfying. As a fan of the first Age of Wonders, I have to say that this is a really, really fun game. Don't let the looks fool you - it's not Civilization 5 - it's focused on the combat and really, just about only the combat. But the combat is very well done.
Post edited February 03, 2015 by sergeant_citrus
Klumpen0815: Far Cry

I'm playing it on normal difficulty for a few days now and although you really have to be careful all the time and die a lot, I somehow got to like this game for its realism. There are just enough checkpoints to keep you playing, but I have to take breaks now and then (when I died out of sheer bad luck because I was in the right place at the wrong time).
Nothing for people that are tensed all the time anyway.
The later levels can be a real pain with trial and error. I've beaten it on hard - but with "slight cheating" - I used the console to manually save the game.
Klumpen0815: Far Cry

I'm playing it on normal difficulty for a few days now and although you really have to be careful all the time and die a lot, I somehow got to like this game for its realism. There are just enough checkpoints to keep you playing, but I have to take breaks now and then (when I died out of sheer bad luck because I was in the right place at the wrong time).
Nothing for people that are tensed all the time anyway.
toxicTom: The later levels can be a real pain with trial and error. I've beaten it on hard - but with "slight cheating" - I used the console to manually save the game.
I can imagine that, but by now I'm doing fine.
It's nice to see a game where you actually have to do the Rambo (guerilla = use your surroundings, mind your ammo and take them out one at a time) instead of just running around into the enemy hordes guns blazing like a total moron. I'm usually not into sneaking and didn't expect this one to be a complete stealth game but am somehow enjoying it. If it becomes too hard, I'll consider starting in easy mode.
Post edited February 03, 2015 by Klumpen0815
Absolutely loved Farcry.

I was going through a bit of a historical Troy/ Alexander movie phase so I'm playing a bit of Rome: Total War for lack of anything else to play.

I had a cool battle agaisn't a larger force the other day, used some tactics Alexander used in real battles to push through their line like an arrow and kill the general so the enemy army routs.

I play that on very hard lately.
NoNewTaleToTell: With high charisma you can get followers too, right? That would definitely make some things easier, I've yet to get one yet, not that I especially need one.
Yes, Charisma gives your companion more damage power and armor. Besides, some dialogue options useful in very delicate situations are impossibe to get if you don't have an high enough value.

NoNewTaleToTell: Anyway, I've got my Guns up to 85 I believe, plus 50 thousand some odd Caps and I'm right outside of Gun Runners. Any recommendations on any weapons? I'm not sure which Rifle to buy, the best I currently have is the Service Rifle and I'd like something a lot better than it. Well, the Service Rifle is the best unless you count the Minigun as a rifle.
That's not an easy answer. The quality of rifles in New Vegas was a bit underwhelming, imo. I know I obtained much, much better results with slow-firing weapons, while the other ones were not so great. I preferred to use an SMG if the enemies managed to get too close, but usually a few headshots solved any problem! :P
If you already have a minigun, I don't think you need another weapon with fast rate of fire!
NoNewTaleToTell: With high charisma you can get followers too, right? That would definitely make some things easier, I've yet to get one yet, not that I especially need one.
Enebias: Yes, Charisma gives your companion more damage power and armor. Besides, some dialogue options useful in very delicate situations are impossibe to get if you don't have an high enough value.

NoNewTaleToTell: Anyway, I've got my Guns up to 85 I believe, plus 50 thousand some odd Caps and I'm right outside of Gun Runners. Any recommendations on any weapons? I'm not sure which Rifle to buy, the best I currently have is the Service Rifle and I'd like something a lot better than it. Well, the Service Rifle is the best unless you count the Minigun as a rifle.
Enebias: That's not an easy answer. The quality of rifles in New Vegas was a bit underwhelming, imo. I know I obtained much, much better results with slow-firing weapons, while the other ones were not so great. I preferred to use an SMG if the enemies managed to get too close, but usually a few headshots solved any problem! :P
If you already have a minigun, I don't think you need another weapon with fast rate of fire!
Yeah I've missed out on a lot of diplomatic ways to solve quests (or get followers) thanks to low Charisma, I didn't know that it effected your followers stats though, thanks for that info!

I eventually went with the Medicinestick, it's good enough to take out Deathclaws fairly easily (at least one on one) but finding ammo for it is a bit of a pain in the rear. It seems like you buy all the weak pistol and magnum revolver ammo you want but finding the good rifle ammo is an exercise in both luck and futility! Still, I only need the rifle for the Deathclaws, the Chainsaw takes care of everything else (including Super Mutants) without any problem.
Feeling good about my levelup in tome :)
Died a few times after getting in Tales again after about a 6 month break.
Those deaths were a learning experience and now the real permadeath adventure begins.
Or so I tell myself.
Anyhow. Level 14 higher human summoner with 3 summons at the same time.
Bring it on.
Post edited February 05, 2015 by superstande
wrapping up Fate:Traitors Soul.

Its like buying a large popcorn at the movie theater. Its not really a great bargain... but its SOOOOO much popcorn. Its tastes sweet at times, but overall it makes you sick if you eat it all. (I have eaten it all).

Fate is a Diablo clone-ish (for those not aware of it). But it falls flat and even regresses in many of the areas that it clones. All in all its an 'OK' game. But its cons are stretched out over its ridiculous length. The games boasts billions of levels (That is billions with a B). And levels range from pretty small, to "good gravy where is the blasted exit already!?!??!!".

To give a brief idea, Traitors Soul is 3 games in one. To beat the whole thing, at a MINIMUM, I had to clear 180 dungeon levels. The dungeons definitely go further as the random quests keep coming as do the next levels. But I have only played the minimum necessary to beat the main quest of the game to log 123 hours of gametime. (of course, some of that is from fishing... the easiest way to get the absolute best gear in the game).

Its buggy, its boring (in terms of story/plot (read, "non-existent".) several mechanics are unclear and no manual exists for the game. As this game is geared towards a more casual group, the fan community has yielded no resources either. Even the achievements are meta in nature and not all are self explanatory.

But if you can play the game in the correct doses with the correct expectations... holy cow do you ever get your moneys worth in terms of raw content. Just don't expect anything above or beyond any other low budget dungeon crawler. If you just like getting loot and going deeper... buckle up for lots of both. But please understand... this does not compare well to Diablo, Darkstone, Torchlight, Grim Dawn, Titan Quest, etc. Its an ugly cousin that can suffice when the others are absent... but that is all. You will always be glad to welcome the real deal back.
Risen 3, Very impressed, 7 hours in, lots to explore.
After finishing Jedi Knight and expansion I decided to finally take Indy in Atlantis for a spin. Man, I sure blazed through that one in two evenings, and I didn't even remember much of it puzzle-wise. Seemed like a much tougher game in my younger years. I guess I've played enough adventure games since then. ;)

Anyway, I'm now fully giving my attention to Galactic Battlegrounds, and I'm loving it! It's funny that even though it's really only a heavily modified AoE 2 I never really could get into the latter. GB, on the other hand, I find to be a blast. I much prefer the whole tech level approach to upgrading unit capabilities rather than the advance in ages. It makes a lot more sense to me. That and the whole Star Wars theme really helps, too.

I'm nearing the end of the Trade Federation campaign, and I still find it quite amusing that they consume food. The game certainly looks its age, but it still has its charm. These old 2D RTSs have always aged better than their 3D counterparts. Well, time to get back to kicking some more Gungan ass! Die, Jar Jar, die! ;)

So, that makes another RTS exception I thoroughly enjoy. Good times! :)
Post edited February 05, 2015 by mistermumbles
Gemini Rue
I just started playin To the moon, I've heard it's amazing :) By now I can only say the soundtrack is perfect.
Baldor's Gate 2
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3
I've hit a rough patch in Blackguards. Every fight available to me seems hopeless. I've even switched to "Easy" with no success. Since there's no grinding, I'm stuck.

Stupid killer ten-foot tall flowers.