Posted May 24, 2014

It's a good game, but a bit too long if you want to play it as a singleplayer game. Can't say a lot about other characters, but as Sam B it was: kick, hit on arm, hit on arm, kick, hit on other arm, hit on other arm, kick, hit, hit, kick, hit, hit,... If I felt like doing something funky, I looked for a bat with a sawing blade, enabling me to cut of arms, instead of breaking them. Kick, hit, hit, kick, hit, hit,... all the time. In multiplayer it would've been okay for another few hours (probably just enough to finish the game), but in singleplayer...
It was well worth the money (got it for €10, I think), because it was real fun in the first hours. It's just not a game that I think I'll ever play again.