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Fable 3 - STEAM
Anyone got a "Chickenbane" they could lend to me? It's the last weapon I need to finally get the all weapons achievement!

Burnout Paradise - ORIGIN
Keep coming back to this one. Playing it for a few days, then not touching it again for a long while. A mate and I have been doing freeburn together the last few days. So much fun!
I'm currently playing King's Bounty: Legions and Two Brothers.
So I got "rid" of my more powerful gaming laptop (ASUS G75VW, the new owner absolutely loves it), so it is back to over 10 years old games mostly now, and maybe some indies. I'm eyeing on buying some newer gaming laptop at some point, but for some reason ASUS and MSI gaming laptops with e.g. Geforce GTX 780M (like ASUS G750JH) seem to have completely disappeared from stores here? A few weeks ago there were still many in some online stores I checked (and with a nice discount at one place too), but apparently they sold them out after Christmas. Oh well, I can wait... Maybe this is for good, now I can concentrate on some of my old classics.

Anyways, instead of installing some "new" game, I decided to continue some of my unfinished games. I had been stuck a long time in the "Deeper Dungeons" expansion levels of Dungeon Keeper, but now I suddenly made some headway in it. Earlier I had a problem of my precious trained monsters getting annoyed for some reason and leaving my realm, but now I somehow was able to overcome it. Not sure what I did differently.

So I passed that level yesterday, and now proceeded to another Deeper Dungeons level. Now it doesn't feel so boring anymore, as I am making progress.

I'll need to remember to play a bit of Wheel of Time at some point too, I should be quite near the end there.

Oh, and I've played a bit of Plants vs Zombies 2 on Android ("free-2-play") every now and then, but now one level really seems so hard that I'm near compelled to use some power-ups/cheats that in the end may end up costing me money. Meh, I'll rather stop playing it than fall into the micro-transactions trap. It does appear to me PvZ2 is quite a bit harder than the first game, probably so that people would be compelled to buy power-ups etc. from the EA store.

Has someone here finished PvZ2 without paying a dime? Just to see if it is possible in practice.
Post edited January 28, 2014 by timppu
Overlord + Raising Hell.

I am charmed with the funny tone and overall design but after a few hours of play, flaws are coming out and the game heavily lacks music and most of all, A MAP!

Still a good surprise and I will try to complete it.
Post edited January 31, 2014 by koima57
Playing Jagged Alliance 2 with the 1.13 mod. It is always nice to re-visit a classic.
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. It is fun so far. The atmosphere is nice and it is satisfying to figure out how to proceed when I've been stuck for a bit. The controls are... decent, at least in open areas. They can be downright awful in tight spaces, a problem exacerbated by the camera. Still, the game is fun.

I'm also playing Serious Sam: The First Encounter when I get frustrated with The Last Revelation. It is exactly what I expected. Pure, shooting fun. Good controls, fun weapons, and lots of enemies to kill. It's a nice way to just turn my mind off.
Post edited January 31, 2014 by Daedalus1138
Playng: ->Ultima IX - Ascension (first Ultima game that I play, pretty good so far)
->TrackMania United
Gabriel Knight 3 - Stalk the Maid... oh, wait, I think the title was a bit different. Oh, yes! It was Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned, right ;) I think I'm very close to finish it.

I do enjoy it but not as much as previous games. And boy, it is ugly as hell. I hate early 3D graphic. I can understand that it was used for action games, (semi-) open world RPGs and such - it added something important to those games. But why for p&c adventures? I can't see a single reason to do so. It doesn't change anything gameplaywise. Everything could have been done with a standard hand drawn 2D graphic or FMV. So why, I ask why do I have to suffer?! And it's not only that it aged badly (most early 3D games did so), I hated 3D graphic in adventures games even back then in late 90s.
Currently? Tomb Raider 2 and Ultima 2.

Last time I beat the first three Tomb Raider games was on Playstation years ago, so I decided to start new games on my gog versions and beat the first one just days ago. I'm amazed i'm able to play them using keyboard controls, but after changing the keys in the options, I found a setup that works for me and it's going alot better than expected. Of course unlimited saves on the PC versions compared to the limited saves of PS1 versions make it easier too, lol.

Ultima 2's time gates kind of intimidated me at first, but after looking at a guide for tips and getting a ship it's now just a matter of tedious grinding. Also beat Ultima 1 days ago, completely crushed it after getting tips. It's actually the first one of that series i've beaten as I could never get very far in the NES port of Ultima 3 long ago.
Post edited February 01, 2014 by haydenaurion
Diablo III
The Witcher 2

Serious Sam (from the time machine sale) and Deus Ex (from the christmas sale).
First playthrough on both, great games
Fallout New Vegas-the amount of bugs is frustrating but still the game plays great and I'm having a blast.
reinstalled dragon age origins collectors edition, a game i have always loved, but i bought this version ages ago from GG in a sale but never used it,

for the first time i now have all the dlc and other campaigns and am slowly working my way through a human noble and a wood elf origin

, i also have reinstalled battlefield 2 and have downloaded a ton of mods, point of existence, project reality, AIX, dogs of war, eve of destruction, forgotten hope, nations at war.... bf2 folder is now about 30 gigs....... always a good fun blast though, which i think 3 and 4 seem to have lost.

off the back of another thread on here, i have installed siege of avalon, quite good

also managed to get war of the worlds and rise of legends working.
Post edited February 01, 2014 by falster
I recently started (re-)playing Privateer. I have played the base game through a veeery long time ago, but I decided to replay that in order to proceed to the expansion pack (now that the GOG version has it too), and then proceed to Privateer 2 which I am yet to play properly.

Fortunately the game is fully playable with a mouse, I couldn't been arsed to get the flightstick out of the cupboard right now, and I had some issues using a gamepad with it (mainly that I constantly needed to access the keyboard too, which is a no-no with a gamepad). With mouse it is maybe even easier to play than with a stick, but feels a bit fake and kills any immersion there was left me feeling like travelling in space. It feels more like some generic shooter now, with missions.

Apparently I had forgotten how to play the game, as I kept just performing the lower-paying mission computer missions over and over again, hardly even leaving the Troy sector where the game starts. Only later, when I already had the best fighter ship with beefy weapons, I realized that there were e.g. the Mercenaries Guild missions that paid much better. Oh well.

Now I have pretty much all the weaponry and goodies I want anyway, but I don't recall how to proceed with the actual story. I presume I should find some contact in one of the bars, but unsure where. I think I am fully ripe to proceed and finish the story, there's nothing more interesting for me to buy for my ship.

The game is still pretty ok and the music is great (with BASSMIDI + ChoriumRevA replacement instruments; with generic Windows General MIDI: only so-so), but now I just want to rush through the story missions to the end. Nothing else to see here, I guess. Or maybe I should just start the expansion pack right away...
Post edited February 08, 2014 by timppu
Fragile Allegiance