I started playing one game last evening that I have installed on my PC already. Next thing I know is that my gf is angrily requiring an explanation why am I know sleeping when it is already 6 am??? Oooops, where did all that time go? So I went to sleep, slept 6 hours and got up noon.
So what is that magical wonder-game which transfers you into another dimension that you forget the passage of time altogether? Deus Ex? Fallout 2? GTA V? Bioshock Infinite? Planescape: Torment?
Ummm, no, 7th Guest... :D I refuse to admit it is a good game, but I just got stuck in two puzzles that I just had to win before I could hope to get any sleep. First one was the microscope tabletop game where you play against the computer:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVbYO6BV6BI I recall trying that in 7th Guest already over a decade ago, and stopped playing the game as I considered it unbeatable for me. But now after retrying it like 50 times, I finally was barely able to win the AI. Dang! I was surprised for the AI to proclaim defeat, as it seemed to me it was a very close call and I presumed he still managed to get more pieces than me, but apparently not.
Now it afterwards occurred to me, why didn't I make the computer play against itself, by running the game on two different PCs at the same time, or even two instances of the game on the same PC? I wonder if that would work, each time I move the pieces what the other game AI tells me to, and then use the save game which wins? :) I think I have to try that in practice because I am unsure if it is still possible for the two games to go to different directions. I think it shouldn't, as I am still giving the moves in both games, only for different sides?
After that I ran into the simple piano puzzle.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZswTTbRnT4#t=240 (at about 4:00)
First I thought I would clear it by "Simon Says"-method, but the tune started to be so long that I couldn't hope to remember it (the puzzle would always start from the very beginning, if you made one tiny mistake), so in the end I had to write down the exact keys, and even then I quite often made mistakes.
But eventually that was beaten too, and I got to sleep some.