Breja: ...I just cannot wrap my head around a finished, well received game being rejected...
Not sure this happens really often? My impression always was that if someone complains here that game X was rejected by GOG (for being too niche or whatever) and I looked at it, then it didn't look like I would want it to buy. But maybe that was just me.
On the other hand my impression is also that GOG lately has lowered the threshold and releases even more Indies of questionable reputation. That should also reduce the problem of games not being here.
No curation approach can be perfect, as long as humans decide. There will always be mistakes and some wrong decisions are to be expected.
Sabin_Stargem: ...Much as I want DRM-free to be the standard, Steam's lack of gatekeeping gives me a freedom that GOG doesn't offer: The ability to readily buy and play the games that suit me best.
I totally agree although even on GOG I find plenty of games that suit me. Steam is just bigger and probably can afford higher fixed costs by having a huge amount of games on their plattform that do not sell relatively well but still good enough in absolute numbers because the Steam customer base is so much bigger.
It's one of the disadvantages of being small. Everything scales worse.
Still, also Steam has gatekeeping. After all they have to make sure the apps offered on their plattform are no malware, do not contain child pornography, nazi symbols or islamic propaganda. So yes, they must have gatekeeping in place for sure, just much less than GOG.