Posted October 05, 2016

The OP also comes across as rather hostile and condescending, which only encourages sarcastic responses.
Really, we should all just learn to recognize the whole thing as a matter of opinion and, as I previously said, that we're upset not that there are new games here, but that the games we wanted aren't here. Telling GOG that their current options are crap accomplishes nothing (the games are already here, so what do you want, GOG to remove them from the store?). Explaining to them that the options you want would be a good idea to include might just work.
We've had games come here with sweet shit all total ratings on steam. We've had games come here with mixed, even bad ratings. We've had Hybrid Wars come here with one of the most offensive middle fingers along with it.
I absolutely understand why people have to ask 'what curation?' sometimes. Not because of low-budget popular stuff I may not like... but just some of the choices overall. Not as 'carefully curated' as they used to be.