Posted June 16, 2019

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Registered: Jun 2013
From United States

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted June 16, 2019
high rated
Games need to stop trying to be movies.
Quest arrows are the worst game development ever and ruined quest design in RPGs.
Difficulty should be balanced to keep you engaged, not frustrate you.
Anything without quicksave better be damn amazing or I won't play it.
Forced auto-updates are an infringement of consumer rights.
95% of indie games are terrible.
Thief 3 and Deus Ex Invisible War are both enjoyable, despite being the worst of their series.
Fallout 4 was a considerable improvement over Fallout 3.
Nintendo coasts on nostalgia and has barely made any great games in the last 10+ years.
FPS games are mostly good when paired with other genres like RPG, immersive sim or stealth. Endless straight-up shooting gameplay gets boring quickly.
While I dislike the "nothing can be offensive" culture we're moving toward I did always think boob armor was silly.
Quest arrows are the worst game development ever and ruined quest design in RPGs.
Difficulty should be balanced to keep you engaged, not frustrate you.
Anything without quicksave better be damn amazing or I won't play it.
Forced auto-updates are an infringement of consumer rights.
95% of indie games are terrible.
Thief 3 and Deus Ex Invisible War are both enjoyable, despite being the worst of their series.
Fallout 4 was a considerable improvement over Fallout 3.
Nintendo coasts on nostalgia and has barely made any great games in the last 10+ years.
FPS games are mostly good when paired with other genres like RPG, immersive sim or stealth. Endless straight-up shooting gameplay gets boring quickly.
While I dislike the "nothing can be offensive" culture we're moving toward I did always think boob armor was silly.

Peeler of Banana
Registered: Jul 2009
From Australia

Stop asking about my other half!
Registered: Dec 2016
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the wizard
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I own Komodo dragons as pets
Registered: Aug 2012
From Germany
Posted June 16, 2019

Gameplay does have a few flaws and annoying issues, but it's still better than most games and can be pretty fun.

New User
Registered: Mar 2018
From United States
Posted June 16, 2019
A game being open world is often a gimmick and adds no value besides needless distance traveling.
I always think an open world game sounds fun on paper, but when I play it, I get bored really easily. I think, for the most part, it's that the devs spend too much time and money on making a big world and less time on making fun quests with a dynamic combat system.
I always think an open world game sounds fun on paper, but when I play it, I get bored really easily. I think, for the most part, it's that the devs spend too much time and money on making a big world and less time on making fun quests with a dynamic combat system.

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Registered: Feb 2014
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New User
Registered: Mar 2018
From United States
Posted June 16, 2019
Post edited June 16, 2019 by Reposiric

Lesser Blight Elemental
New User
Registered: Jun 2014
From Other
Posted June 16, 2019
Sometimes, convenience and expediency should not be implemented. Just look at Instance Hub of Warcraft. Back when it started, it was actually a world that people had to go into and interact with it to get what they wanted.When I last played, things like portals everywhere and LFD had made the game a pretty alienating experience in regards to interaction with the world and players. Having to walk/ride long distances, collect materials for class abilities, manually put together PUGs and interact with players within my server made me feel much more grounded in the world back then.

Stop asking about my other half!
Registered: Dec 2016
From Indonesia
Posted June 16, 2019
Games that are able to prolong their lives through mods, are not as great as what many of those games' fans make them out to be, as those people are no longer playing the original content of the games. I find it annoying whenever a Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2005) fan would defend the game and claiming it to be better in every aspect compared to the newer Star Wars: Battlefront games that are under EA. I'm not saying that they should change their opinions, but I'm only asking for them to at least be honest with themselves that without the active modding community that Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2005) luckily has, the game might not have survived today. Sure, a game may have been great during its time. But an old game that is great today due to its modding community that constantly produces content just to prevent the old players from abandoning the game? I don't think so. Heck, some mods these days can even overhaul everything that a game initially had, ripping away the true identity which used to make it special back in the days. And yet, the loyal fanboys and girls of that game will still call the already modded game great even though what they have in their hands is no longer the same game (a little exaggerated, I know. But you get what I mean).
Post edited June 16, 2019 by Vingry

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From United States
Posted June 21, 2019
Unpopular opinions:
1) Red Dead Redemption 2 is beautiful, but a terrible, hard-to-control, slog of a game.
2) Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice is beautiful but gameplay is poor and story isn't really that good.
3) Uncharted 4 is a bad game. Period.
4) The Last of Us is a good story locked inside a poor game. Yeah, not as big a fan of Naughty Dog as the games' media claims I should be.
5) The Order 1886 is good -- certainly not great, but good.
6) Dragon Age Inquisition is a bloated mess while Dragon Age II is more enjoyable
7) Lord of the Rings War in the North is a good LotR game
8) Elex is a good RPG
9) COD WWII is a terrible shooter
10) Brothers in Arms is the best WWII shooter series
11) Medal of Honor Airborne is just as good or better than COD World at War.
12) The Operation Flashpoint games are good
1) Red Dead Redemption 2 is beautiful, but a terrible, hard-to-control, slog of a game.
2) Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice is beautiful but gameplay is poor and story isn't really that good.
3) Uncharted 4 is a bad game. Period.
4) The Last of Us is a good story locked inside a poor game. Yeah, not as big a fan of Naughty Dog as the games' media claims I should be.
5) The Order 1886 is good -- certainly not great, but good.
6) Dragon Age Inquisition is a bloated mess while Dragon Age II is more enjoyable
7) Lord of the Rings War in the North is a good LotR game
8) Elex is a good RPG
9) COD WWII is a terrible shooter
10) Brothers in Arms is the best WWII shooter series
11) Medal of Honor Airborne is just as good or better than COD World at War.
12) The Operation Flashpoint games are good
Post edited June 21, 2019 by kai2

you are required to own on gog
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted June 21, 2019
Unpopular in the Wide World:
- Playing PvP is not as challenging as playing against AI - almost all the time
Unpopular around here:
- Regenerating health outside of combat is a great innvoation and should be implemented in all games
- Playing PvP is not as challenging as playing against AI - almost all the time
Unpopular around here:
- Regenerating health outside of combat is a great innvoation and should be implemented in all games

Don't read this
Registered: Jun 2011
From Germany