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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
Tetsuo: the Iron Man. La filosofia di Tsukamoto Shin'ya
It's a collection of writings about the Master. I bought it many years ago and only now decided to go through it. It has different authors and despite the titles it deals with the general filmography till Kotoko, not only the Tetsuo series, in a philosophical, anthropological and even technical approach. Once finished I'm going to pass it on to a dear friend who is also a big lover of Tsukamoto - but I think her fav one is Snake of June. She's going to have a nice surprise in the mail.
The Hunger
by Alma Katsu
Carradice: Nice! Are you reading them in the sequence they were written?
Molkor06: chronologically actually. I'm starting Mirror Dance next.
Enjoy the stories. You might want to check (if you did not already) Falling Free and Ethan of Athos, maybe. Especially the first. It is good and it serves as backstory. The other is about a side adventure of Quinn. Also, the stories in Borders of Infinity are really worth it.
Nothing at the minute, I have nothing new to read, but Humble's current comic bundle has me intrigued for some quick reads, but i'm currently skint. I've also got my eye on 'Search For A Whisky Bothie' by Ralfy.
I'm reading a bunch of Endless Quest books. They are like those Choose Your Own Adventure books except based in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. So far I've beat a couple without dying. Then again the series is meant for 8-12 year olds.
Post edited August 20, 2020 by Dr_Adder
Re-reading The World According to Garp by John Irving. A favourite of mine.
Harvey Penick's Little Red Book: Lessons and Teachings from a Lifetime in Golf by Harvey Penick & Bud Shrake
Onko siellä ketään: avaruuden älyä etsimässä by Markus Hotakainen, a popsci book on the Fermi paradox.
The Captain's Daughter (Капитанская дочка) by Alexander Pushkin (in a spanish translation)
I finished The Way of Kings. I am going to enjoy this series. It's worldbuilding in steroids, and the author manages to always have something interesting happening in every chapter. Plus, I enjoyed the fighting scenes, which I usually find a chore to read. The combat system in this world would make a fine ARPG.

Now time to read Phantom by Terry Goodkind (book 10 in The Sword of Truth series).
ConsulCaesar: I finished The Way of Kings. I am going to enjoy this series. It's worldbuilding in steroids, and the author manages to always have something interesting happening in every chapter. Plus, I enjoyed the fighting scenes, which I usually find a chore to read. The combat system in this world would make a fine ARPG.

Now time to read Phantom by Terry Goodkind (book 10 in The Sword of Truth series).
In case you read anything else by Brandon Sanderson, how would The way of kings compare to other of his works, in your opinion?. Personally, enjoyed The Emperor's Soul and Elantris, but for some reason did not find the same appeal in The Final Empire.
ConsulCaesar: I finished The Way of Kings. I am going to enjoy this series. It's worldbuilding in steroids, and the author manages to always have something interesting happening in every chapter. Plus, I enjoyed the fighting scenes, which I usually find a chore to read. The combat system in this world would make a fine ARPG.

Now time to read Phantom by Terry Goodkind (book 10 in The Sword of Truth series).
Carradice: In case you read anything else by Brandon Sanderson, how would The way of kings compare to other of his works, in your opinion?. Personally, enjoyed The Emperor's Soul and Elantris, but for some reason did not find the same appeal in The Final Empire.
This was my first book by Brandon Sanderson so I can't compare. I will probably end up reading some of his other works. This one has left a good impression.
Carradice: In case you read anything else by Brandon Sanderson, how would The way of kings compare to other of his works, in your opinion?. Personally, enjoyed The Emperor's Soul and Elantris, but for some reason did not find the same appeal in The Final Empire.
ConsulCaesar: This was my first book by Brandon Sanderson so I can't compare. I will probably end up reading some of his other works. This one has left a good impression.
Thanks anyway. It is good to hear a nice review about another of Sanderson's books.

And yes, he is very good with magic systems. Easily the influence of playing games. They could be put into games, as well. Tabletop or computer ones.
Post edited August 24, 2020 by Carradice
Currently into Lovecraft, his stories are mindblowing yet somehow comfy to read (compared to Bram Stoker) due their short lenghts....
Also it's FREE!!! wooohooo
Post edited August 24, 2020 by rpgknight