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Caesar, Life of a Colossus by Adrian Goldsworthy
The Emissary by Yōko Tawada
Article: Monolog eines Virus
Book Thief by Zusak
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Book 13 of The Dresden Files
Post edited April 06, 2020 by feytharn
After months and months i'm almost at the end of the Divine Comedy.
Post edited April 08, 2020 by XzAr_79
City of Night by John Rechy.
America indian myths and legends
I need to start reading "travels of a t-shirt" or something for school.
Article: Der Wahnsinn und die Realitaet by Jens Wernicke
About Corona and the repeal of civil rights in Germany.
After months reading war and peace during communting, and waiting for others in the car during groceries ( this has been a thing since covid-19 ) i'm proud to announce i'm almost there! According to Kobo i have 1,5 hour of reading time left to the end.

I have to say it has been a somewhat enlightening journey, added some views on women and general philosophy though this explanation of Napolean and Alexander and their place in history is a bit cringeworthy though it helped with the read mixing situations of girly love and exparations with personal ramblings and historical events logically displayed...

Not sure if i would want to read one of his other works, i do know that i will be happy to continu with one of the military SF series i've been spending time on these past years
"The Fisherman and His Soul" Oscar Wilde . Interesting book. I highly recommend reading it. Unfortunately I don't know any Russian writers and their works. Therefore, I can not suggest in this regard. I wish I had time to read my favorite book. I have to write a term paper for my University. Unfortunately I can not do what I wanted, so I need to found where to buy college essays .Because it's very difficult. I can't do it on my own.
Post edited April 17, 2020 by PanJuchko
The October Horse by Colleen McCullough
Le propension des choses. Pour une histoire de l´efficacité en Chine by François Jullien in a Spanish translation.