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The Crusades (originally published in two volumes as Iron Men and Saints and the Flame of Islam) by Harold Lamb. After slogging through parts where both sides committed horrible atrocities, with very few people I could sympathize with, I've gotten to the part which includes Saladin, who was, in my opinion a magnificent human being, as well as a powerful leader.
Post edited March 04, 2020 by oldgamebuff42
wutherin' heights
Now reading The Legacy of the Bones by Dolores Redondo (part 2 of the Baztán Trilogy).
Vespasianus 1: Tribune of Rome by Robert Fabbri. (9 books total in the serie.)
I give it a 5 stars out of 5 so far; going to start book 2 next week.
Started reading Moby Dick yesterday, and so far I'm 3 chapters in. I'll likely read a few more tonight and really dive into the novel tomorrow morning.

Terry Pratchett - "Snuff"

To think, that we'll never ever again get a new book by that genius writer... :(
I just finished Foundation's Edge (4th foundation book by Asimov).

Before that, I read a book called Age Of Death, which is the 5th book in the legends of the first empire series. The series is pretty interesting in that it's a fantasy novel that takes place sometime between the bronze/iron age in their world. I don't typically read fantasy novels, so that setting was pretty unique to me and it's decently written.

I'm not sure what I'm going to read next, however it won't be the next foundation book yet!
Currently reading the strain book 2: the fall. Pretty good novel, so far, about a vampire plague.
Article: Gewollte Hysterie by Hermann Ploppa
About the Corona hysteria.
BreOl72: Re-reading

Terry Pratchett - "Snuff"

To think, that we'll never ever again get a new book by that genius writer... :(
Terry was one of a kind when it came to being spot-on on the human psyche and behavior. The way he used fantasy and humor to make it more digestible but still highly recognizable was nothing short of genius. You can almost feel how cynical he probably was, yet he framed it in such a way you can't help but have a jolly good laugh.

At least that's what I take from reading anything by him.

Speaking of re-reading, I'm giving Lord of the Rings another go. I always find something new to appreciate when I re-read those.
Red Sister (Book of the Ancestor #1) by Mark Lawrence

Excellent sci-fantasy warfare book.

Valiant Comics - Archer & Armstrong Vol. 5: Mission: Improbable

From the Humble Bundle Bloodshot 2020 sale. I'm reading the books in order to catch up on Valiant comics and I'm already in love with all of these books. Before I only collected Rai and 4001 AD but now I want them all. I hope the Bloodshot movie is well made.

The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman

Bought this 2 weeks ago. Finished it in 2 days but now I'm re-reading it to explore some of the questions at the end of the book. Excellent read.
The Lazarus War: Legion by Jamie Sawyer. I read a lot because I want to become a writer. I try a lot: I write, read, visit various writers ' clubs and order GPALabs essays.
Post edited March 13, 2020 by PanJuchko
Didn't read for a long time
Article: Aufbruch in die Freiheit
Excerpt from the book "#Education For Future: Bildung für ein gelingendes Leben" by Marcell Heinrich, Gerald Huether, Mitch Senf
The Discourses and Enchiridion by Epictetus