Anothername: After a 100 years history of stand alone or short lived series of movies I'm extremely glad that something like that gets done.
I am not. The very reason I prefer watching movies to TV series is that movies are normally supposed to be fully self-contained, there is a beginning and ending to the story in one package. Yeah there are exceptions to that rule like movies that end in a cliffhanger and such (like Alita), but in general. And even with movies where you are supposed to see the whole "series" (and they were designed to be like that beforehand) they are usually trilogies or such, containing max three movies you need to watch to get the whole picture.
With TV series, you normally can't or at least you will be somewhat confused if you jump in midway. Like me yesterday trying to watch Walking Dead season 9 from TV (the last season I saw of that was 3 I think), what the heck has happened in between? The bearded guy is together with the black ninja chick, they have a baby or is it adopted (as it appears to be white) etc. etc. What what whaaaaat?
EDIT: What I said before about not finding great modern movies, I have to clarify though that I do here and there see modern movies that I consider quite ok and entertaining. Inception, Interstellar, Elysium, Mad Max Fury Road, Edge of Tomorrow, etc., they were quite ok for the most part. But very rarely something that makes me really go wow.