Barry_Woodward: Alita: Battle Angel (Robert Rodriguez, 2019)
Did you like it? I went to see it on a IMAX 3D cinema when it came out with high expectations, and frankly it left me empty, especially as it ended in a cliffhanger advertising its sequels (or TV series?). At parts some fights were entertaining, but meh overall... Maybe I just wasn't part of the target audience, it seemed to be so much targeted towards teenagers.
I have to relate to someone who said he has hard time thinking of recent movies he felt are great. I have no idea if it is just me becoming old and jaded, or are almost all new high-profile movies lame, meh and overly politically correct? And at worst, preachy? Like when I watched one of my old favorites (The Hitcher, the 80s version), I just kept thinking "Man, why don't they make great movies like this anymore?". I was quite surprised how well the movie has aged, it felt very powerful to me even today.
I especially have hard time enjoying all the recent superhero movies, as those are mostly what new action movies seem to be about. Went to see Avengers Endgame with my wife since it seemed to be praised everywhere... but I was mostly bored watching it, and half of the movie flew over my head as it was full of references to characters and happenings from some earlier superhero movies I haven't seen.
Joker trailer convinced me though that maybe I should go to see that movie in a theater. Maybe I will like it. Then again, it amuses me how they keep reinventing the origins of different characters in movies; remember how Joker's origin was depicted in the 1989 Batman movie? He was the crook who killed Batman's parents, and he became what he is due to falling down into some big pan of toxic waste LOL.