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Up to 75% off Pillars of Eternity, Satellite Reign, Legends of Eisenwald, Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty and more!

Gaming sins are a regrettable thing. Whether they come from games you shamefully put aside without finishing them, from questionable methods you used while trying to finish them, or from borrowed discs that you claimed were already scratched - they might all give you trouble sleeping. But the worst offenders are always the games you should have picked up and never did. Well, worry not, fellow sinners, for our Weekly Staff Picks: <span class="bold">New Year Absolutions</span> will help you settle the bill with the Gaming Gods and venture into the rest of the year as a whole new person!

If you've missed out on Pillars of Eternity, ten "Hail Marys" will hardly cut it. After all, this is the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate, some of the most celebrated RPGs of all time, we are talking about here. Complete with meaningful customization, real-time-with-pause combat, a captivating story, and memorable NPCs, it's not hard to see why this one is strongly favored by the Gaming Gods.

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, a captivating exploration adventure, has recently reappeared in all its reduxed glory. You investigate the recent murders on sleepy Red Creek Valley as a detective summoned there by the young Ethan Carter. But once you piece together the nebulous clues, a horrifying discovery will make you question your very perception of reality.

A war is going on in the neon-lit streets of Satellite Reign. The mega-corporations keep citizens under their thumb, dictating the rules of democracy in this cyberpunk, dystopian future with the strong Syndicate vibes. You control a customizable band of defiant troublemakers, and infiltrate, hack, kill, or bribe your way towards upsetting the status quo. Will you prove yourself a liberator, an alternative evil, or just an opportunist?

The more gaming sins, the more <span class="bold">New Year Absolutions</span> needed to wash them away. Thankfully, our Weekly Staff Picks offer a delectable selection of over a dozen winners, like Legends of Eisenwald, Grim Fandango Remastered, Transistor, and Tales from the Borderlands, going for up to 75% off. Get, play, love. The promo will last until January 29, 10:59 AM GMT.
animalmother2105: I am tempted by Satellite Reign. Does it have a story, campaign or is it only a set of missions to complete?
It has a story and an ultimate objective. It's a sandbox-y game where you can roam the city freely and do whatever you wish.

There are plenty of missions where you can steal cash or tech. But as far as I know nothing is really mandatory, you can just get the biggest guns (getting the biggest guns requires stealing tech though) and shoot your way through everything if that's your thing. You'll get your ass handed to you easily that way though :D

The missions are integrated into the sandbox city, so when you want to begin a mission you just walk into the mission area. The smooth transition from free roam to mission and back again is nice.
Post edited January 25, 2016 by Daliz
Satellite Reign looks cool, but I fear I have no hardware to match...
And yet again still no separate DLC of PoE Royal Edition for those with Hero and Champion Editions.

Just in case GOG forgot here's a quote of their own words:

If you bought the Hero Edition or Champion Edition, and you like the goodies included in the larger editions, all hope is not lost. We're currently working on making edition upgrades available for Pillars of Eternity . Stay tuned for future updates!
After 10 months I think it would be about time.

EDIT: And please I don't mean to be rude, but I am a little bit upset by the lack of effort with this issue.
Post edited January 25, 2016 by Ganni1987
So many nice things hmmm, must stay strong.
Grabbed Pillars, Grim Fandango, Oddworld New & Tasty, Space Rangers HD (from the other sale) and took a chance on the first Men of War game to try that series out. Hope I don't regret that one.
rawmilk905: Also, and even more importantly, on principle I will never give any game a chance that offers its extras as a separate purchase, I don't care how good the game is. The extras are supposed to be "customer love" not nickel and diming dlc. That kind of bullshit has never been GOG's way, it is the way of Steam and all the other shops that I won't touch. It pisses me off. I immediately eliminate those games from consideration and regret my support of GOG itself over the years.
Personally, I don't mind very much although I don't like it either and I can see your point. But I believe it's not GOG fault to have different versions of a game depending on the extras. I believe it is a publisher "thing" but I may be wrong of course. Anyway, everyone eventually votes with their wallet. :)
What a temping promo, but, but i have a really huge backlog. I must resist :)
rawmilk905: Also, and even more importantly, on principle I will never give any game a chance that offers its extras as a separate purchase, I don't care how good the game is. The extras are supposed to be "customer love" not nickel and diming dlc. That kind of bullshit has never been GOG's way, it is the way of Steam and all the other shops that I won't touch. It pisses me off. I immediately eliminate those games from consideration and regret my support of GOG itself over the years.
Vythonaut: Personally, I don't mind very much although I don't like it either and I can see your point. But I believe it's not GOG fault to have different versions of a game depending on the extras. I believe it is a publisher "thing" but I may be wrong of course. Anyway, everyone eventually votes with their wallet. :)
I have no doubt that the publishers push for it, the problem is GOG agrees to it.
penumbren: Are there ever going to be options to upgrade between editions of Pillars? It was mentioned at the time of release as something that was being worked on, but we've never had further news. My copy was a (much appreciated) gift, but I would really like to have the option to 'upgrade' for some of the higher-tier goodies.
Would like that option as well. Hopefully the options made available through other services will be provided here also.
Nice selection. This time I couldn't resist Eisenwald...nearly bought Hyperdimension, but as long as GOG don't offer a burn&deliver
Must.... Resist... POE and Grim Fandango!
Vythonaut: Personally, I don't mind very much although I don't like it either and I can see your point. But I believe it's not GOG fault to have different versions of a game depending on the extras. I believe it is a publisher "thing" but I may be wrong of course. Anyway, everyone eventually votes with their wallet. :)
rawmilk905: I have no doubt that the publishers push for it, the problem is GOG agrees to it.
GOG probably has no choice in the matter. Will guess the muso who created the music has the soundtrack sold standalone elsewhere ie Bandcamp and don't want to have their own profits undercut by allowing it to be bought separately on a digital game store. Musos want to be paid for their work ya know ;). Oh and plenty of people have asked GOG in the past for availability of soundtrack of games to be bought. At least they are meeting the request halfway.
rawmilk905: I have no doubt that the publishers push for it, the problem is GOG agrees to it.
What if GOG don't agree with a publisher about this matter and then they say "OK, fine, we publish our game elsewhere"? My view of it is that there has to be a middle ground and I guess that is by providing customers multiple versions of the X game.
I think 2016 should be the year we get Turrican