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Those who accuse me of whining, please check the addon prices like Cavenagh did and stop. It's almost the same price to buy the GOTY or the two addons. Nice way to steer people towards getting the GOTY edition directly eh?
CDPR/GOG (and don't tell me they're separate entities, I don't care) used to have a reputation of non screwiness. Which is fading away...
Post edited November 03, 2016 by torp
torp: Those who accuse me of whining, please check the addon prices like Cavenagh did and stop. It's almost the same price to buy the GOTY or the two addons. Nice way to steer people towards getting the GOTY edition directly eh?
No one buys the expansions without the base game, so that "steering" of yours doesn't happen.

If you don't own the game you have a choice between the base game for 15 EUR or the GOTY for 30 EUR. If you don't care about the expansions, the base game is significantly cheaper than the GOTY.

If you do own the base game, you can buy the expansions for 22.50 EUR which is 25% cheaper than the GOTY. Who in their right mind would be "steered" towards buying the GOTY in this case when there is nothing in the GOTY they wouldn't get by simply buying the expansions?
Sorry but got to agree with the OP, those prices are a bit of a kick in the teeth for owners of the original who paid full price for the game.

Currently the GOTY is £20.99, only 99p more expensive than buying the expansion pass which costs £20.

The 2 dlc's bought seperately total £17.98, that's only £3 cheaper than the GOTY. Hardly much of a reduction.

The non GOTY edition of the game is currently £12.49, that's an £8.50 difference.

So purchasers of the GOTY are in effect only paying £8.50 for the dlc, as compared to £17.98 best case scenario for owners of the orginal game.

That's quite a price discrepancy.
I'm fairly certain that most VG publishers believe that day 1 buyers are happy to put more money into purchases. So they jack the price up for them.

Buying on day 1 keeps the VG industry alive, but as a consumer, I don't understand it. You get an inferior product that runs on a more expensive machine that gets more expensive dlc. Or wait a year and the PC to play it on is cheaper, the game works better, you get the dlc included and the game plusbdlc is usually less than the game was.

Some publishers ruin their game by giving preorder bonuses that mess up the gane itself. But if I was a big publisher, I'd reward my fan base with physical goods (trinkets that go with the game like a card or coin or something), discounts on all dlc (make each one cost the season pass price / total dlc in season pass), an included mini game, or something similar. Screwing your fan base out if more money is just bad business.

P.s. bad business, but it's working for now. It might be just a short term gain, but it's working. Perhaps consumers need to respond to get what they think they deserve.
Post edited November 03, 2016 by Tallima
This is why I wait for things to go on sale.

*buys Witcher 3 GOTY and Stardew Valley*

Now I'm broke :(.
eksasol: Now I'm broke :(.
Food's overrated anyway. ;)
Leroux: I think the OP's issue is not so much that the game is cheaper now for late buyers, but that original buyers have to pay higher prices for the DLCs they're still missing than those who get the whole package with GOTY edition. ...
Yep, exactly. Prices drop, all fine, but why is the GOTY edition 40% off and the DLCs only 25%. Give them 40% as well and most early buyers would be happy as well. Pricing as it is, is simply cashing in on the fan base.
I don't understand how you can get mad because GOG didn't give the sale you wanted. Disappointed (that there isn't a sale for what you wanted, not at GOG), yes, but mad?

Just wait a bit longer, it'll go on sale soon enough.
Post edited November 04, 2016 by 221bBS
I agree with the OP, it does feel like there's a bit of milking going on when it comes to the handling of Expansions / Season Pass discounts.

It could be related to the fact that quite a number of folks got the base game for free with their cards. Or not, i dunno.