omega64: I really don't want people I'm not currently playing with affecting my playthrough though. :l
Ah, you mean something ala Dark Souls? I don't think that's very likely to happen. Here's a fresh
interview where Fargo confirms my guess and names Divinity: OS as the inspiration (with the mandatory tip of the hat to BG).
Full quote:
MMORPG: What drove the decision to put in multiplayer? It's something we've seen cropping up with others games in the CRPG genre lately.
BF: Multiplayer gives us a lot of really unique opportunities for telling a reactive story. When people think multiplayer they typically think deathmatch, competition or MMO style gameplay, but in reality many RPGs have done story-driven multiplayer before, Baldur's Gate being a great example of that, along with Divinity: Original Sin, and fans have even modded it into other RPGs such as Fallout 2. In many ways it's something that RPGs have done before but has never been brought to its full potential. That said, we’re still focused on the single-player experience, the multiplayer builds upon it but does not replace the experience, so if you want to play it much like you did Wasteland 2, you absolutely can.