Latest updates:
Calendar Added Raiden V: Director's Cut, October 05 2017 -Unofficial:
Officially confirmed by GOG list Added
Into The Breach Unofficially confirmed games Will add when possible Gauntlet: Slayer Edition -Source: post7243
Will add when possible Shadows: Awakening -Source: post7270
Removed Darkwood -Source: post1144, released August 17 2017
I've seen the post by murkki in the unofficially confirmed thread (post7268) saying Mandate is probably cancelled, but I'll wait til the end of the year to write that it is in my list. I'm doing this since there are some games I was looking on Twitter that seemed to be "dead" and just recently had information given. Some games that seem "dead" (if anyone can confirm they are and give a source; or confirm they're still being worked on (with a source also):
Defender's Quest 2 -- Twitter followed: larsiusprime
Grav -- Twitter followed: playgrav
Paradise Lost: First Contact -- Twitter followed: ashtreeworks
Routine -- Twitter followed: LunarSoftware