ryuken3k: I don't mean to offend you, but why not post the unofficially confirmed releases to the "Games that are *unofficially* confirmed for release on GOG in the future part 2" thread? That would save people the trouble of looking in two different threads.
No offense taken. Here are some reasons:
- There was already someone (Andrey82) that, sporadically, offered a list of the unofficially confirmed games in that thread. I respect the initiative he took in doing that, plus (read the next point)
-The lists would be buried in the thread (like Andrey82's are), so it made more sense to start a new one with the lists at the beginning.
- As you can see I also like to follow more than unofficially confirmed games, so it made sense to make a new thread and bring all the things I wanted to track in one thread.
-The "... unofficially..." thread is unending and it
might mean the list would also be neverending. For now, I intend to start a new thread in 2018 and I'm still debating whether or not I'll link to this thread for the previous "...unofficially..." lists or if I'll bring them in the new thread (if anyone has an opinion, or suggestion don't hesitate to share it).
- I don't think I'd like to take care of a list in the "... unofficially..." thread. Not sure what I'd make it consist of. The way I have mine set up wouldn't be practical, from my point of view, in that thread.
Those are some of the reasons I created this thread.