Gremlion: Linking to the "sources" which buried soccer team, Bushkov book heroes and parents of buryat students as "russian army"? Link to articles of Elena Vasileva too, she found more than 2000 killed russian soldiers without leaving her flat in Moscow too.
Or link to novayagazeta, which blames meteorites on Putin, they found thousands of killed paratroopers from Pskov.
shturpachok: Which is exactly what you've been doing for last few dozen pages. What's not to like ?;)
Gremlion: Congrats on independence, BTW. I laughed over new Ukrainian law, which let foreigners to take posts in government.
Already got 2 US citizens and priebaltic one.
Puppeteers couldn't find enough at least halfbrained marionettes to work with in this genuine country.
shturpachok: Ah yeah:) Ukraine is not genuine country, USA is controlling ukraine, only russia is free, but somehow 90% of the people that have money to save keeps their savings in filthy green dollars instead of totally independent rubles).
joriandrake: If there is a high risk your politicians may be KGB agents, then it is a reasonable method to hire people from the EU to fill leading positions to reform the nation and purge corruption.
shturpachok: Exactly. IMHO if they are good enough managers it doesn't matter where they come from.
Thing is, when I link to decent source, I get 'this is russian source, fake propaganda, not listening, not listening', less competent sources - 'questionable quality, not listening, not listening'. And I get links to sites which consistently getting caught on publishing fakes.
And ask me to believe that accounts in social nets, which have photo of boy in camo, 10th guardian bear cavalry battalion as their place of enlisting and comment 'killed in Ukraine' from similar account are evidence of invasion?