rojimboo: 1. The depiction of races (including the RL social term here, though this would be more accurately people originating from a specific region with a distinct culture) with crude and degrading stereotypes based off of the real world. The depiction of the Vistani people drawn degradingly from Romani stereotypes is the example here, that caused this whole mess to begin with.
And please show us how many Romani were affected by this or complained? Or was it a bunch of bored perpetually outraged people making social media posts about such like it often is?
In essence SHOW ME THE ACTUAL HARM being done and those affected by it.
(And no, saying it might affect someone somewhere or pointing to social media posts of people not in said groups just complaining lightly about it doesn't count)
rojimboo: So if consumers demand vanilla ice cream from a company, and the company 'panders' to their demands, the consumers ARE BEING MANIPULATED? (caps are so unnecessary btw)
You seem to be mixing up market research on broad swaths of the consumer market used to make changes that many will like, to changes made to appeal to a few people on a buzzword topic in current year(oft due to some outrage, real or imagined, by the people being appealed to) or those made to play off of people's actual highly valued issues.
There is a big difference between making a new flavor people will like and adding in or changing things about something to play on people's emotions and support of certain topics and beliefs.
rojimboo: Again, you don't have to be tolerant of intolerance. I know this is a difficult concept for you, but there's no great Referee upholding some rule that you cannot call yourself absolutely tolerant by not tolerating prejudists, bigots and racists. You are not being prejudiced against prejudists (or however many levels into that rabbit hole you want to go). The contradiction you allude to does not exist. You don't have to be tolerant of intolerance. It's fine. It's just them shouting 'free speech' and 'hahaha you're not so tolerant yourself!' whilst continuing to hate on people.
It's still intolerance of other people with opposing beliefs and ideals. Even if you dislike them or find them distasteful.
To be intolerant of people one finds it 'ok' to do so to just makes them intolerant themselves and big hypocrites.
(Such others are essentially saying "it's ok to be mean to those people. I dislike their ideas and find them loathsome so it's ok to do so to them"
How is that any different than what some others do to blacks/lgbt/etc?)
rojimboo: You don't see any harm in depicting minorities in a degrading stereotypical way? Hm. Appalling history would like a word with you.
FICTIONAL races even if stereotyped or homogenized in a game or piece of media isn't depicting minorities in a degrading way.
(And I didn't mean that. You know it, and I know it. So stop inserting meaning into my words that isn't there and discuss without such sneaky tricks if you can muster up that much decency)
Again, show me how many such things in this game hurt or majorly impacted beyond posts on twitter and the like. I will be waiting to see what you find.
Gersen: You are the one who originally brought this subject, not me, the only thing I did was calling them races/species and calling it a day, you are the one that started making a big deal about it so it's a little easy to now say "it's irrelevant" and not worth talking about.
I like a good amount of your posts here on this subject. You are very well spoken.
But you should likely see by now that user has likely no intent to discuss such issues while being openminded. Their mind seems to be made up, and they seem to want more to promote how 'good' this change is and how 'bad' it is for others to be critical of it. rather than to maybe have their thought challenged and have a proper discourse on the subject.
In effect he is likely just here to push his ideology on the current topic while feigning interest in other points of view on the subject.
babark: The problem is that these 'fictional' (as you keep emphasising) groups are not created in a vacuum, and very often, they wear their inspirations on their sleeves, such as the case of the vistani (which was the impetus behind the creation of this thread, discussion of orcs and such being secondary). If these 'fictional' representations are based of problematic stereotypes of real world people, then there is a good basis of calling them out, and a good basis for WotC to reexamine them in the game.
You seem to act like this is some major blow to issues like racism and such in our world.
Changing this won't end or even majorly curtail the issues people dislike about our own world, and all this change will likely do is make a few social media posters feel good online for a bit before they go and find something else to be 'upset' or upset about.