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Please please PLEASE do not &#$% this up Creative Assembly. Rome 2 and Attila were awful at launch.

Release it in tip top shape or at least if it is buggy at launch fix it to perfection. I heard Empire as of now is pretty much patched to great degree.
From what I remember, isn't it pretty common for Total War games to be pretty awful at launch? That wasn't something just the last few games had was it?

Pleasantly surprised it wasn't another 40k Space marine thing though.
I think all the total war series are still pretty unplayable if not modded by the community.

Perhaps the only one that was more or less right was the original shogun: total war.

Just wait for the ultra-uber-ultimate-complete-editor-director-coder-programmer edition at 1$.
Then mod it.

Then try it.
The idea is good on paper, even if you had to buy certain armies as DLC it would be a nice idea.
The only problem is that all but a small handful of GW's licences have been utter tosh. So the verdict is out for now.
I have not played any Total War since Medieval 2, but this has my attention. Might be a lot of fun. I loved King Arthur, wich was essentially fantasy Total War with RPG elements, so I hope this might be somewhat similar. I never played the battle game, but I played a lot of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, and although I often find it almost funny how over the top grimdark the setting is, I have some fondness for it, and it would be nice if it got a really good game. Mark of Chaos was rather weak.

What I don't like is the apparent abscence of many races, important ones, and the suggestion they will come later as DLC. I really despise this business model.
Breja: I loved King Arthur, wich was essentially fantasy Total War with RPG elements, so I hope this might be somewhat similar.
I love that game. Shame II was horribly optimized/buggy but those games had a great feel to them.
Breja: I have not played any Total War since Medieval 2, but this has my attention. Might be a lot of fun. I loved King Arthur, wich was essentially fantasy Total War with RPG elements, so I hope this might be somewhat similar. I never played the battle game, but I played a lot of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, and although I often find it almost funny how over the top grimdark the setting is, I have some fondness for it, and it would be nice if it got a really good game. Mark of Chaos was rather weak.

What I don't like is the apparent abscence of many races, important ones, and the suggestion they will come later as DLC. I really despise this business model.
Or mabye in a expansion like Napoleon Total War was for Empire.
Let's see how well they fare. I know I've a lot of games to play already but I'll keep it on my radar just in case.

Blood for the... err, I mean, kill the heretics! For the Emperor!
Pheace: From what I remember, isn't it pretty common for Total War games to be pretty awful at launch? That wasn't something just the last few games had was it?
As far as I know, yes, Creative Assembly's titles have never been known for their technical stability. That said, Empire and Rome II were particularly bad examples. On top of that, at least Rome II is considered by many to be broken on a fundamental level.

Some interesting viewing, if you can find the time:
Not that big a fan of the Total War games (but admittedly I haven't touched them in ages), I can see though how this might work. The Total War gameplay is definitely perfectly compatible with the Warhammer Fantasy universe. My biggest concern is, as almost everyone has already mentioned, that the game is gonna be a technical disaster upon release and may require community patches even after it's been fully patched to be truly enjoyable.
I love the Total War series and for some reason the isea of having a fantasy one leaves me completely meh.
Total War has always been a historical series to me, so this is like eating peanut butter with marshmallow creme. Some people will like it, others will not, I for one probably will not. Then again, Total War hasn't been on my good side since they threw in DRM and steam requirements, so I guess it's irrelevant to me.
Telika: I love the Total War series and for some reason the isea of having a fantasy one leaves me completely meh.
Yeah, similar vibe over here.
Post edited April 22, 2015 by AnimalMother117
Just wait till the Ultimate Super Duper Gold Platinum Silver Edition with gazillion dlc is going to be on sale for 10$ in about 1-2 years and then buy it. Creative Assembly is known to release broken games. It took them 1.5 years to get Rome 2: Total War to a normal play level and it still looks unfinished with tons of dlc that were (confirmed) available in game from start (cut content for dlc) for which mods now exist to unlock them without paying for dlc.
Post edited April 23, 2015 by Matruchus
Total War and Warhammer Fantasy in one place..mmm..very tempting
Definitely on the "must watch" list. I hope it's great. Pretty sad that so many games come out and it's better to wait a while to see if it's actually any good. Or runs.
Post edited April 23, 2015 by DieRuhe