kohlrak: I have a feeling he's either clicking the green button or somehow the main offer is hijacking the green button.
Dogmaus: it's a lazy and repetitive game anyway, no big loss IMHO
Want some city riot? Jail Break was way better and it's from the 1985
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tiNsnmWswg I grabbed it for posterity. Someday, someone might want to know what it's like to be in a "peaceful protest" and how they think. I figure there's some degree of explanation going on for why we want to riot in this game or something.
EDIT: I mean, just think. Wouldn't it be cool if we could know what it was like to be a communist in Cuba honestly believing that putting a murderous nutjob in charge would somehow make things better? Wouldn't it be cool to know what it'd be like to be so racist against Jews you'd ride chariots into thick mud between two giant walls of water that are being held back supernaturally? Wouldn't it be cool to know what it was like to be a Nazi who actually thought Jews were the problem behind poverty, not trying to take over the whole damn world? Wouldn't it be cool to know what it was like to be a Roman who thought they could stamp out Christianity by killing people who believed they would come back from the dead? All these wacky situations in history where a large number of people thought some really bad ideas, and now we have before us a game made by the same people who believe that "peaceful protests" where they ruin the lives of common people and support the elites would somehow result in changing the system so the elites are no longer in charge. This is a historic precedence. The closest we have to that is 1979 Revolution, game, and even that kinda turned out well for them by comparison, and even that was made in posterity, not before the whole thing goes south.