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throws an idea into the room
^ *throws a patent for the idea*

LegoDnD: Only guessing his favorite topping, I throw an extra cheese slice to Hooyaah.
^ *throws a thank you, a Morgan silver dollar minted in 1883*

(Too much cheese is never enough and extra meats never go unappreciated.)
Post edited September 02, 2023 by Hooyaah
throws a lawsuit lawsuit.
Tries to throw Alexander Karelin but is lifted up and thrown by him instead.
Grabs a snack of InSaintMode than throws it back up at him again.
^ *throws up my lunch, after that nauseating post*
Throws a peppermint Tic Tac.
^ Throws a flask of holy water to gruesomely burn neumi's flesh.
Throws back the now empty flask which luckily didn't break on impact and could still be used for drinking. Attachet to the flask is a note with thanks for the refreshment.
^ *throws a regeneration potion, transforming you into a twenty-year old man with a lifespan of thousands of years*
Throws a note with one word on it: "Nooooooooooooo!"
^ Throws a vampire
^ * throws a vampiress *

(she doesn't crave your blood)

; )
Since she was turned early enough in her life that she's small enough for Hooyaah to throw her, I feel the need to take care of her despite knowing that she's not actually young. I gently throw my elderly cat to her.
^ throws a DeLorean