R8V9F5A2: Relax, there's an army for everyone:
the PC army, the console army, the Steam army, the drm-free army, the xbox army, the ps4 army, the nintendo army, the anti-feminist army, the sjw army, the anti-fps army, the mmo army, the WoW army, the LoL army, the open-world-only army, the self-proclaimed-intellectual army, the just-for-fun army, the indie game army, the youtube-screamer army, the racing-with-a-wheel-and-not-gamepad army, the invidia army, the Bethesda army, the Dark Souls army, the games-were-better-in-the-past army, the old-games-are-crap army, the mainstream army, the hipster army, the hardcore army, the Giant Bomb army, the Total Biscuit army, the always-angry army, the anal-retentive army...
You forgot The Kiss Army.