_Line: Lots of reports on how the anticheat and drm on that game is causing terrible fps issues...
I doubt It will ever come here. This drm/anticheat mentality will keep hurting customers for now at least... Unfortunately.
The DRM is the basic Steam DRM, there is no Denuvo or any special one. The Anticheat (Easy anti-cheat) is only active if you run the game online; start the game offline and the anticheat doesn't start.
The game has some FPS and shuttering issue but those are caused by a bad implementation of Direct X 12 that needs to be fixed by the devs.
nightcraw1er.488: What you mean the basic gameplay loop of:
1 - walk forward
2 - die
3 - if hours spent < 150 goto 1
4 - else go on social media and brag about how you defeated that skeleton in room x and it only took 150hours and that everyone else should git gud
5 - proceed to next room and return to 1
At this point it's more a meme from peoples who never player those game and very far from the truth. Souls games are a lot easier than peoples like to pretend them to be, the main difficulty is that you cannot rush head first or button mash and hope to survive long; but you don't need to be a god gamer with 2000 hours of game play, even an average game could finish Dark Soul at level 1 (i.e. without ever levelling) for example. You have ample i-frames in dodges allowing to bypass a lot (if not most) of the attacks, you can avoid most of the enemies (they have a very small "leash" and stop following you), bosses telegraph all their moves, etc... And Elden Ring is probably the easiest yet.